Title: Power Supply Mounting Brackets
1Power Supply Mounting Brackets
2Power Supply Mounting Brackets
Daniel Tyack is a stickler for all things
aesthetic, and nothing bothers him more than not
having a place for power supplies to sit neatly
under your board. Thus became our Power Supply
Mounting Brackets. Our power supply mounting
brackets are designed to mount directly to the
underside of the top of your Salvage Board.
Designed and built right here in Southern
California, these brackets are of the highest
quality. They are made from aluminum and ready
to securely fasten many popular power supplying
3Power Supply Mounting Brackets Power Supplies
We offer our power supply mounting brackets for
the following Power Supplies Voodoo Lab Pedal
Power 2 (aka PP2) Voodoo Lab ISO 5 Voodoo Lab
44 Voodoo Lab MONDO Dunlop / MXR MC-403 Walrus
Audio Aetos Walrus Audio Phoenix
- Daniel Tyack has been a builder ever since he was
a kid. Its in his blood. He got the
engineering gene from his Dad, a highly sought
out electronics engineer from Southern
California. Daniel got into music in the early
90s, learning to play the guitar and becoming
engulfed in the great passion that is rocking!
Going to and fro to jam sessions and band
rehearsals revealed a great dilemma to Daniel.
You can find us in our humble shop. If you come
unannounced or just to see whats up be sure to
have beer and/or doughnuts in hand! Were
usually here from 8ish to 530ish but please do
contact us before just showing up so we can be
sure to not be off at lunch. 1957 Friendship
Dr.Suite C.El Cajon, CA 92020