Title: BUS 642 Potential Instructors - tutorialrank.com
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2BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Entire Course
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 1 Scientific Thinking
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 1 Scientific Thinking
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 2 Making Research
Decisions - ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 1 Exercises
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics in Business
Research - ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 2 Design of Research
- Develop a hypothesis for a problem at a local
business (for example high employee turnover).Â
Determine if your hypothesis has adequacy for its
purpose, is testable and better than its rivals.Â
Then, use the Checklist for Developing a Strong
Hypothesis on page 64 as it relates to your
hypothesis. Discuss your results. Respond to at
least two of your fellow students' postings. Â
3BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 2 Making Research
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 1 Exercises
- Based on the analysis of the last six months'
sales, your boss notices that sales of beef
products are declining in your chain's
restaurants. As beef entrée sales decline, so do
profits. Fearing beef sales have declined due to
several newspaper stories reporting E.coli
contamination discovered at area grocery stores,
he suggests a survey of area restaurants to see
if the situation is pervasive (page 94, number
- Week One Exercises
- Complete the Following Exercises
- Complete Discussion Questions 1, 2, and 5 on page
22. Complete Making Research Decisions Question
6, page 76.
4BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics in Business
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 2 Design of Research
- Read Snapshot Tracking Search Patterns on page
37. Find more details of this study since the
text's Snapshot was printed and discuss the study
including any updates. Respond to at least two
of your fellow students' postings. Â Â
- Read the interview with Elizabeth Buchanan on
virtual research ethics Readings in virtual
research ethics Issues and controversies. (2004,
January-June). Information Technology Newsletter,
15(1), 22-25.. You can find this article
through the Ashford Online Library. Write a
summary of this interview and add your thoughts
on how this affects the business research
process. Respond to at least two of your fellow
students' postings. Â Â
5BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 2 Exercises
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 1 Measurement Scales
- Complete the following exercises
- In your text book Complete Making Research
Decisions 1, page 50 In text answer Terms in
Review, 1-5, page 155 Complete Making Research
Decisions, 7, page 388
- Contemplate Snapshot Measuring Respect on page
301 of your text. Discuss the information
presented and the critical measures taken in
order to present an appropriate measurement
scale. Respond to at least two of your fellow
students' postings
6BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 2 Clarifying the
Research Questions
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 3 Exercises
- Review the Research Questions on page 120 and
then decide Do these questions in the research
proposal lead one towards a tangible end result
defined by either higher service quality higher
levels of customer satisfaction better product
or monetary savings? Respond to at least two of
your fellow students' posts
- In your text book Complete Making Research
Decisions, 5, page 315. Complete Terms in Review,
1- 3, page 123. On companion website Read the
case study, State Farm Dangerous Intersections.
Answer questions 1 through 5.
7BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 4 DQ 1 Survey Methods
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 4 DQ 2 Observational Studies
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
self-administered interviewing, face-to-face
interviewing, and telephone interviewing. What is
necessary for the success of each of these three
methods? How do these survey methods compare?
- Read and discuss Bringing Research to Life on
page 187 of your text. Develop investigative
questions that could have been used to guide
Jason and Sara's mechanical observation study.
Respond to at least two of your fellow students'
postings. Â Â
8BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 4 Exercises
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 5 DQ 1 Data Preparation and
- In your text book Complete Terms in Review, 1-4,
on page 204. On companion website Read Case
Study Ramada Demonstrates its Personal Best.
Answer questions 1-3 (This case can be downloaded
from the text book web site, http//highered.mcgra
- Poll a small sample of class members, work
associates, or friends and ask them to answer the
following in a paragraph or two "What are your
career aspirations for the next five years?"Â Use
one of the four basic units of content analysis
to analyze their responses. Describe your
findings as frequencies for the unit of analysis
selected. Respond to at least two of your fellow
students' postings
9BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 5 Exercises
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 6 DQ 1 Measures of
- Complete the following exercises
- In your text book Complete Making Research
Decisions, 2, page 450 Complete From Concept to
Practice, 7, page 450 On companion website Read
Case Study Inquiring Minds Want to Know- NOW.
Answer questions 1-9
- Answer Making Research Decisions 5 on page 524 of
your text. Respond to at least two of your fellow
students' postings. Â Â
10BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 6 DQ 2 Presenting Results
- ASHFORD BUS 642 Week 6 Final Project
- Conduct a search of websites that provide
Internet presentations. Select one and critique
its content, visuals, and the presenter's
skills. Make sure to include the URL in your
Discussion Forum. Respond to at least two of your
fellow students' postings.
- Final Project
- A Final Project Paper is due in Week Six. The
Final Project will contribute 35 to the course
grade. - Focus of the Final Project
- The final project should be eight pages in length
and include a reference of all resources used. At
least three sources should be from scholarly
11BUS 642 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
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