Title: Valerie Topete - A New Yorker
1Valerie Topete A New Yorker
Valerie Topete has the kind of perseverance and
tenacity that has allowed her to survive in a
tough place, New York City. She was born and
raised navigating the streets throughout her
childhood. Now she is putting that knowledge to
use by working as a bike courier, something she
has been doing for the past seven years. Her
natural knowledge of the citys streets makes her
an excellent courier.
2Valerie Topete A Mother
Valerie Topete is a career-minded woman who
always puts her best foot forward. That is why
when she became a mother, Topete considered it
another challenge to overcome. Topete worked as a
freelancer while she was raising her two
children. Now that they are both in school and
growing up rapidly, Topete has spent the last
seven years making a living as a bike courier in
New York City.
3Valerie Topete An Important Task
One of the things that has made Valerie Topete
such a successful bike courier in New York City
is her knowledge of the area. Topete understands
the avenues, alleyways, and streets that will get
her and the package to the proper destination.
Topetes courier service is known for being one
of the fastest and most reliable in the area.
That is why many choose Topete first to complete
an important task. she worked as a freelancer.
Though her duties of delivering packages all
around the city has not changed, her experience
is much different working for a company than it
was being a freelancer.
4Valerie Topete A Hobby
Valerie Topete is not just a bike courier,
mother, and wife, she is also an amateur
photographer in her free time. The constantly
busy buzz of New York City offers inspiration at
every turn for Topetes hobby. Her job as a
courier takes her to many unique places around
the city as well, offering her a unique
perspective, and ample opportunities to
immortalize a good moment with her trusty camera.
Topete understands the avenues, alleyways, and
streets that will get her and the package to the
proper destination.
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