Title: Super-Hydrophobic - Scratch Resistant Nano Coatings Welcome Importers
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2Hello and thank you for reading our new blog,
from our new website, with our fairly new line of
Nano Coatings. We will be writing and sharing
information and advice about our products,
services and the people who work very hard to
perform high level auto detailing, car cleaning
and coating installations. Please be sure to
check out our Pearl Nano Coatings Facebook
page and hit the LIKE button. If you are
interested in purchasing the Pearl Autobody or
Glass Nano Coatings, please contact us via email
or phone. We ship almost anywhere on the planet
and even private label the products to a select
group entrepreneurs who qualify. Our ceramic and
glass coatings are dominating the marketplace
with high performance, durability and longevity.
Price is also a major factor that is crushing the
other coating companies. We offer our coatings
at 1/2 to 1/4th the price of theirs. This means
that you can forget about coating a car for 200
and coat it for 25 to 50. You get to keep the
rest. We dont dictate what you charge for your
services. It is your business and you must charge
what your market and location can handle. Not
everyone can charge 3000 for a paint correction
and ceramic coatings.
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4Super-Hydrophobic - Scratch Resistant Nano
Coatings from Pearl - Detailer Private Label
Options 1-866-285-1051 From ceramic coatings
on the Autos, Trucks and RVs to coating the
Buses, Trains, Boats and Helicopters. Some people
are even coating items in hotels and houses.
Countertops, ceramic tiles and shower glass are
the most popular items. We are doing business
around the globe, but focus in America the most.
If you are interested in working with us, or just
want to test out the Pearl Nano Coating products,
please contact us today. Thanks Dave Source
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