Title: Salvatore Taddeo - President of Salangi Enterprises LLC
1Salvatore Taddeo President of Salangi Enterprises
Salvatore Taddeo is the President of Salangi
Enterprises LLC. He was born and brought up in
New York. He is well-read and well-travelled, and
he has numerous skills by which he has been able
to succeed in every business he goes into.
Furthermore, he is a Philanthropist, and he
donates on a regular basis to several charities
and non - profit organizations. Salvatore Taddeo
is an accomplished business leader and
entrepreneur, and is the current President of
Sallee Figs.
2Salvatore Taddeo A Successful Businessman with
Enormous Experience
Salvatore Taddeo is a successful businessman who
has over the years accrued enormous experience,
knowledge and skills needed to succeed in any
kind of business. He has held top positions in
several corporations and business entities. He
has an AutoCad certification, and he is licensed
as a Real Estate Agent and as a Fire Safety
3Salvatore Taddeo Salangi Enterprises and Sallee
Figs Leader
Salvatore Taddeo is dedicated to the ongoing
success and future of Salangi Enterprises. He is
also the President and CEO of Sallee Figs, a
company that specializes in growing and selling
rare exotic fig trees. He is a graduate of the
Institute of Design and Construction, and he has
certificates as a Real Estate Agent and as a Fire
Safety Director.
4Salvatore Taddeo A Loving and Responsible Family
Salvatore Taddeo is a loving and responsible
family man who ensures that he spend quality time
with his family no matter how tight his schedules
are. He loves cooking, golfing, reading and
playing piano. He loves engaging in discussions,
issues or topics related to politics, history,
and entrepreneurship. In addition, he is a
Merchant Processing Consultant, a Real Estate
Agent and the President CEO of Salangi
For more details visit here