Title: Litespeed Hosting (1)
1Litespeed Hosting
2Key Features
- Litespeed Hosting
- Business Hosting Provider
- Dedicated Server Provider
- Virtual Private Server Provider
3Litespeed Hosting
The benefit of using Litespeed Hosting is higher
speed, easy in operation. It is compatible with
cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk etc.
4Business Hosting Provider
- Were a full-service business hosting provider
with datacenters in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and
Dallas Texas. Whether you need basic web hosting,
co-location space, or anything in-between, our
vast IT infrastructure gives us the power to
build a solution thats custom-tailored to your
exact needs.
5Dedicated Server Provider
A dedicated server provider is nothing but the
physical piece of hardware that hosting provider
rents to you. They are having their own
processor, hard drives(s), Random Access Memory
(RAM) and bandwidth capability.
6Virtual Private Server Provider
With the help of Fresh Roasted Hosting as your
virtual private server provider you can trust
that your memory and disk space are always
7Contact us
Fresh Roasted Hosting4075 Linglestown Rd Suite
146Harrisburg, PA 17112