p-n junction theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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p-n junction theory


basics of p-n junction.doping ,semiconductors,impurities,silicon,germanium,biasing,conduction ctc – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: p-n junction theory

ASHVANI SHUKLAManager(c i)Bgr Energy

  • History of p-n Junction
  • In November 16, 1904 first vacuum tube was
    invented by Sir John Ambrose Fleming and it is
    called the Fleming valve, the first thermionic
    valve. There was no existence of p-n junction in
    electronics field. In October 20, 1906 Triode
    Tube had been developed by Dr. Lee de Forest. A
    conceptual figure of vacuum diode is shown below.

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  • Here the vacuum tube works mostly like modern
    diode. But its size is larger. It consists of a
    vacuum container with cathode and anode inside.
    This cathode and anode are connected across a
    high voltage source. Generally it works on
    principle of thermo ionic emission. This cathode
    is heated by filament an hence electron get
    emitted from cathode towards anode. So it is also
    known as thermionic tube. Current only flow from
    the anode to cathode i.e. unidirectional flow.
    The V-I characteristics of a vacuum tube is shown

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How does vacuum tube diode work?
  • Filament creates heat to the cathode to emit
    electrons. Beam of electrons flows from cathode
    to anode through the space between cathode and
    anode. The voltage difference is created across
    the cathode and anode by applying high voltage
    across their terminal. The replacement of the
    electrons in the electrodes is happened by this
    voltage source. Under reverse bias this vacuum
    tube does not work or it does not have any
    breakdown. This vacuum tube was the basic
    component of electronics throughout the first
    half of the twentieth century. It was available
    and common in the circuit of radio, television,
    radar, sound reinforcement, sound recording
    system, telephone , analog and digital computers,
    and industrial process control.

  • Gradually p-n junction semiconductor has come in
    the market and vacuum tubes got replaced by them.
    But till today somewhere vacuum tubes are being
    used widely. These fields for application of the
    vacuum tubes are in Atomic Clocks Audio
    Systems Car Dashboards Cellular Telephone
    Satellites Computer Monitors DVD Players
    Recorders Electromagnetic Testing Electron
    Microscopes Gas Discharge Systems Gas Lasers
    Guitar Amplifiers Ham Radio High-speed
    Circuit Switching Industrial Heating Ion
    Microscopes Ion Propulsion Systems Lasers
    LCD Computer Displays Lighting Microwave
    Systems Microwave Ovens Military Systems
    Mobile Phone, Bluetooth Wi-Fi Microwave
    Components Musical Instrument Amplifiers
    Particle Accelerators Photomultiplier Tubes
    Plasma Panel Displays Plasma Propulsion Systems
    Professional Audio Equipment Radar Systems
    Radio Communications Radio Stations Recording
    Studios Solar Collectors Sonar Systems
    Strobe Lights Satellite Ground Stations
    Semiconductor Vacuum Electronic Systems TV
    Stations Vacuum Electron Devices Vacuum Panel

  • Types of Vacuum Diodes
  • The vacuum diodes are classified as 1. frequency
    range wise (audio, radio, microwave) 2. power
    rating wise (small signal, audio power) 3.
    cathode/filament type wise (indirectly heated,
    directly heated) 4. application wise (receiving
    tubes, transmitting tubes, amplifying or
    switching) 5. specialized parameters wise (long
    life, very low micro phonic sensitivity and low
    noise audio amplification) 6. specialized
    functions wise (light or radiation detectors,
    video imaging tubes)

  • After the vacuum tubes, p-n junction
    semiconductor came in the market. The circuit
    gets lighter and more compact. The p-n junction
    semiconductor made of either Silicon or Germanium
    material which has four numbers of electrons in
    the valence band. From this valence band the
    electron transit to the conduction band
    penetration the energy gap of one electron volt
    approximately. Generally pure Silicon or
    Germanium has no extra electron available in
    their crystal structure. But applying of thermal
    energy to this crystal some bonds break and some
    electrons get available in the conduction band.
    But current is very small or in the order of

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  • This pure semiconductor is called intrinsic
    semiconductor. But some impurities are added to
    the pure semiconductor material like Al, P etc.
    Boron has three electrons in valence band. So one
    Boron atom holds four Silicon atoms with one bond
    with one electron. This deficiency of one
    electron in this bond is called as hole. After
    adding Boron to the intrinsic material this
    semiconductor gets abundance of holes in its
    lattice structure. This semiconductor is called
    extrinsic semiconductor. Due to abundance of
    holes it is known as positive type or p-type

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  • Phosphorus has five electrons in valence band. So
    one phosphorus atom holds four Silicon atoms. But
    one electron becomes extra. After adding
    phosphorus to the intrinsic material this
    semiconductor gets abundance of electrons in its
    lattice structure. This semiconductor is called
    extrinsic semiconductor. Due to abundance of
    electrons it is known as negative - type or n -
    type semiconductor.

  • A p-n junction is formed by placing p-type and
    n-type semiconductor substrate side by side. It
    has homo junction between p-type and n-type.

  • When p-type and n-type semiconductor comes to
    contact, some interesting cases arise.
  • The region of p-type is enriched of holes and the
    region of n-type is enriched of electrons.
  • Now Electrons and holes come into action to
    diffuse from zone of high concentration toward
    zone of low concentration, i.e. electrons travel
    from the n-region to the p-region and ionized
    donor atoms are left in this region.
  • In the p-region of the p- type substrate the
    electrons recombine with the abundant holes.
    Again, holes come to diffuse from the p-region
    into the n-region. Hence negatively charged
    ionized acceptor atoms are left in the p-region.
  • Next, at the contact region in n - type
    semiconductor the holes which come from p - type
    semiconductor recombine with the mobile electrons
    and at the contact region in p - type
    semiconductor electrons come from n - type
    semiconductor recombine with holes. This kind of
    diffusion process will be continuing up to the
    charge balance in two regions.

  • Then a narrow region on both sides of the
    junction is created where no charge carriers
    (electrons or holes) are there. This region is
    called the depletion layer.
  • In p - type or n - type region, just after
    creation of depletion region, it contains only
    holes in p-type and electron in the n-type
  • The depletion layer depends on the impurity level
    or doping level in both type of semiconductor. It
    is inversely proportional to the doping level.
  • Now, as a whole joint of two layers looks like a
    depletion region in the middle portion with two
    electric fields at the both end. These electric
    field points to p-type from the n-type region.
  • This depletion layer in the middle portion
    creates build-in-potential or contact potential
    with respect to two regions.

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  • No net current flows through this depletion
    region. This depletion layer is also known as
    potential barrier.

  • Symbol of p - n Junction Diode
  • A p - n junction is nothing but a diode hence an
    p-n junction can also be refereed as p-n junction

  • Arrowed portion is called anode or positive
    terminal and bar portion is called cathode or
    negative terminal. Biased p-n Junction
  • Forward Bias of p-n Junction
  • When the p-type end of a p-n junction is
    connected to the positive end of a battery and
    negative end of this junction is connected to the
    negative of this battery this biasing is called
    as the forward biasing.

At this biasing condition, the positive potency
always repels the holes of the connected
p-region. Similarly the negative voltage repels
the electrons from the n-type region. Now both
the major carriers i.e. the electrons and the
holes penetrate to the depletion region and
arrive their opposite region. Hence current flows
from the positive region to the negative region.
When battery voltage is applied across the
junction in the forward bias, a current will flow
continuously through this junction.
IS is Saturation Current (10-9 to 10-18 A) VT is
Volt-equivalent temperature ( 26 mV at room
temperature) n is Emission coefficient (1 n 2
for Si ICs) Actually this expression is
approximated. Reverse Bias of p-n Junction When a
p-n junction is connected across a battery in
such a manner that its n-type region is connected
to the positive potency of the battery and the
p-type region is connected to the negative
potency of the battery. Now the holes are
engulfed by the negative potency of the battery
leaving behind negative static ions in the region
and the electrons are engulfed by the positive
potency of the battery leaving behind positive
static ions in the region . Ultimately the
depletion region at the p-n junction covers total
p and n region of the diode. Hence no current
will flow through this diode.
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iD drops to zero value or very small value. iD
can be written as i0.
IS is Saturation Current (10-9 to 10-18 A) VT is
Volt-equivalent temperature ( 26 mV at room
temperature) n is Emission coefficient (1 n 2
for Si ICs) Actually this expression is
  • General Specification of p-n Junction
  • A p-n junction is specified in four manners.
    Forward voltage drop (VF) Is the forward
    biasing junction level voltage (0.3V for
    Germanium and 0.7V for Silicon Diode )
  • Average forward current (IF) It is the forward
    biased current due to the drift electron flow or
    the majority carriers. If the average forward
    current exceeds its value the diode gets over
    heated and may be damaged.
  • Peak reverse voltage (VR) It is the maximum
    reverse voltage across the diode at it reverse
    biased condition. Over this reverse voltage diode
    will go for breakdown due to its minority
  • Maximum power dissipation (P) It is the product
    of the forward current and the forward voltage.

V-I Characteristics of A P-N Junction
  • In the forward bias, the operational region is in
    the first quadrant. The threshold voltage for
    Germanium is 0.3V and for Silicon is 0.7V. Beyond
    this threshold voltage the graph goes upward in a
    non linear manner. This graph is for the dynamic
    Resistance of the junction in the forward bias.
  • In the reverse bias the voltage increases in the
    reverse direction across the p-n junction, but no
    current due to the majority carriers, only a very
    small leakage current flows. But at a certain
    reverse voltage p-n junction breaks in
    conduction. It is only due to the minority
    carriers. This amount of voltage is sufficient
    for these minority carriers to break the
    depletion region. At this situation sharp current
    will flow through this junction. This breakdown
    of voltage is of two types. (a) Avalanche
    breakdown it is not properly sharp, rather
    inclined linear graph i.e. after break down small
    increase in reverse voltage causes more sharp
    current gradually. (b) Zener Breakdown this
    breakdown is sharp and no need to increase
    reverse bias voltage to get more current, because
    current flows sharply.

  • Resistances of p-n Junction
  • Dynamic Resistance of p - n Junction
  • From V-I characteristics of a p-n junction, it is
    clear that graph is not linear. The forward
    biased p-n junction resistance is rd ohm it is
    called AC resistance or dynamic resistance. It is
    equivalent to slope of voltage current of the
    PN junction.

  • Average AC Resistance of p - n Junction
  • Average AC resistance is determined by the
    straight line that is drawn linking the
    intersection of the minimum and maximum values of
    external input voltage.

  • Some important terms related to p-n Junction
    Transition Capacitance of p-n Junction
  • When depletion region exist in the common
    junction around, the diode acts as a capacitor.
    Here the depletion region is the dielectric and
    two regions (p-type and n-type) at both ends act
    as the charged plates of a capacitor. As the
    depletion layer decreases the capacitance value
    goes down. Diffusion Capacitance of p-n Junction
  • It the capacitance of the diode in forward biased
    condition and it is defined as the ratio of
    transiting charge created to the differential
    change in voltage. When the current through the
    junction increases the diffusion capacitance also
    increases. Along with this increase in current,
    the forward biased resistance also decreases.
    This diffusion capacitance is somewhat greater
    than the Transition capacitance. Storage Time of
    p-n Junction
  • It is the time taken by the electrons to move
    from n-type region to p-type region and p-type
    region to n-type region by applying simultaneous
    forward and reverse bias voltage during switching.

  • Transition Time of p-n Junction
  • It is the time taken by the current to decrease
    to reverse leakage current. This transition time
    can be determined by geometry of P-N junction and
    concentration of the doping level.

  • Reverse Recovery Time of p-n Junction
  • It is sum of the storage time and transition
    time. It is the time for diode to raise applied
    current to get 10 of the constant state value
    from the reverse leakage
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