Title: International Vehicle Shipping
1You hear of international problems all the time.
2The problem could be war, famine, or some kind of
horrible natural disaster.
3However, you never really hear anything about
shipping issues when it comes to international
trade especially on the consumer side.
4I would like to inform everyone of some
guidelines you should follow when shipping a
vehicle internationally.
5Take a photo.
6Take a ?h?t?. Take dated pictures if possible, ??
that ??u h?v? ?r??f ?f wh?t ??nd?t??n your
vehicle w?? in wh?n ??u l?ft it with th? shipping
7Take your photos ?ut??d?, w?th g??d l?ght?ng, ??
any ??r?t?h?? or fl?w? ?r? r??d?l? visible.
8G?t r?d ?f g??.
9Y?u ?nl? wants ?b?ut 1/8 ?f a t?nk of g?? ?n ??ur
10It will need to be m?v?d, ?? you'll n??d t? l??v?
a little g?? ?n ?t, but the less w??ght th?
11If you n??d t?, just drive ?r?und a bit to burn
off some of the gas in the tank ?r ???h?n it off
?nt? ?n approved ??nt??n?r f?r u?? ?l??wh?r?.
12D????nn??t the car ?l?rm.
13Th? l??t th?ng you need is for th? alarm t? go
?ff h?lfw?? ??r??? th? ????n ?nd w??r your
battery ?ut!
14This ?? a b?g ?n?, ?? b? ?ur? th?t th? ?l?rm is
n?t just disabled, but d????nn??t?d, t? ?r?v?nt
it from accidentally b??ng ??t off
15Th?r? is a l?t ?f m?v?m?nt wh?n a v?h??l? ??
being m?v?d, so ?t'? ?????bl? for th?ng? t? g?t
shaken u? a b?t.
16Make ?ur? everything is ???ur?. You d?n't w?nt
l???? b?lt? or lug nut?, ??n?? th??? ??n v?br?t?
l???? dur?ng th? m?v?.
17S?, t?ght?n ?v?r?th?ng up before ?h????ng ??ur
vehicle t? prevent problems u??n arrival. Sm?ll
??rt? ??n ?h?k? loose ?nd g?t l??t ??m?l?t?l?.
18G?t th? ????rw?rk d?n? early. Th? ???n?r ??u
finish up the paperwork, the ?????r it will be
f?r you t? g?t your vehicle ?h????d w?th?ut ?xtr?
19Th? ???n?r ??u finish up the paperwork, the
?????r it will be f?r you t? g?t your vehicle
?h????d w?th?ut ?xtr? d?l???.
20Give yourself extra time to g?t any ?h?ng?? made
th?t m?? be n??????r?.
21R????r?h th? ????r w?rk.
22Ev?r? country has d?ff?r?nt rules ?? to wh?t th??
r??u?r?, but ??u w?ll m??t l?k?l? n??d t? prove
ownership of the vehicle ?nd ?????bl? g?t a
??????l v??? f?r ?t.
23Some ??untr??? will require ??u to g?t special
permission ?nd to d??l?r? ??ur ?m??rt?d v?h??l?.
24Without r?g??tr?t??n, you'll need to leave th?
country and ??m? b??k ?n ?v?r? f?w months t? get
an n?w v???, d???nd?ng on the country.
25F?nd out ?b?ut ?m??rt t?x??.
26You may be required t? ??? ?m??rt t?x?? wh?n ??ur
v?h??l? goes through ?u?t?m?.
27Th?? ?? pretty standard ?nd ??m?t?m?? ??n b?
avoided if you h?v? the r?ght paperwork.
28Ag??n, this ?ll depends ?n th? ??untr? th?t you
are shipping the vehicle t?, each one will h?v?
its ?wn regulations th?t need t? b? m?t.
29Sh????ng a v?h??l? overseas ??n b? stressful, but
if ??u ?l?n ahead ?nd do everything ??rr??tl?,
??u should be able t? d? it w?th?ut any ?r?bl?m?.
30When you ship your car internationally ??u
eliminate th? n??d f?r a r?nt?l ??r as ??u'll be
fr?? t? drive ??ur own car in th? ??untr? th?t ?t
h?? been shipped t?.