Title: The complications with PRK eye surgery procedures
1The complications with PRK eye surgery
procedures PRK eye surgery refers to a refractive
surgery to correct Myopia, Hyperopia, and
Astigmatism. The surgery is the first of the
kind to implement the LASER technology into the
surgery procedure involving the vision
correction and other surgeries for problems that
relate to vision. Though, the PRK eye surgery
has been a popular choice for many patients, who
eagerly undertake the procedure to correct their
vision. The recent LASIK technology has replaced
the medical procedure of PRK eye surgery with
more accurate and safer prospects for the
surgeons who undertake the procedure for vision
correction in patients. Even as the surgery has a
lot of success stories, there has equally
another dimension of reports that has been
derived from the risks and complications
involved in the procedure of PRK eye surgery.
These reports have been from the patients who
have already undertaken the surgery and had
symptoms long after the surgery was undertaken.
The categorization on the effects of the surgery
as cited by the patients include a general
pattern of effects Infection Though the patients
are advised and are given the medications to keep
away from infections, some of the cases have
reportedly been a failure. This is with the
medications being used and the patients reported
infections that lasted for a prolonged period
after the PRK eye procedure has been
implemented. Light Sensitivity A symptom that is
common in the initial days after the surgery
procedure has been undertaken. But in a great
proportion of the cases reported on the side
effects, the condition is said to be prevalent
even after years in some of the cases. Dry
Eyes The Dry eyes are a condition that exists
with many of the patients who undertake the PRK
eye surgery procedure. But, the symptoms should
subside within a limited period of time as the
eyes heal after the procedure. As reported the
cases were quite complicated as the condition
was permanent in many cases. Moreover, the
patients had to rely on the other alternatives to
keep their eyes lubricated. Corneal Haze One of
the common and largely reported cases and many
have referred to the case as the flaw and
inefficiency of the PRK eye surgery procedure.
This is referred by the surgeons as the drawback
of a harmful chemical being used in the
procedures of PRK eye surgery procedure. Under-cor
rection or Overcorrection The patients who
undertake the PRK eye surgery procedure and yet
do not complete get their vision corrected, they
end up using the glasses.
2Problems in Night Vision The symptom of Night
Vision problems is unavoidable in most of the
cases, in the months after the surgery has been
performed. But the condition should soon improve
within a span of a year and the recovery is
checked upon with each of the visits in the
Post-Surgery consultation. The rare cases where
the problem remains a permanent condition that
either needs more surgery options or other
medical assistance to clear. For more detail
please visit iseewithlasik.com or call us