Title: Cash Security Safes
1Security Safes Are You Making The Right Business
Cash Management can significantly impact the time
and labor invested in a business. In order to
make cash handling easy and keep the cash or
other valuables secure, new age smart security
safes are the solution of choice. Though some of
the safe manufacturing and services companies go
a step further in their service provision -- to
actually help you evaluate your current processes
and solutions with a view to determine the best
security safe for your business -- it is always a
good idea to be proactive and get some unbiased
security safe buying tips on your own. Here are
some factors that will help you determine which
safe is best suited for your business
21. Volume of Cash or Valuables Involved
Depending on the volumes of cash that a security
safe has to store or dispense, there is a broad
range of safes available in the market. The safe
sizes vary, from the ones that handle a few
hundred dollars to top-end options that are used
in high cash volumes locations. (Example - the
Casinos in Las Vegas). It is therefore,
recommended that you go through your cash flow
statements to determine the exact requirement for
your cash handling.
32. Type of protection required
All safes are required to maintain certain
security standards, such as burglary resistance,
fireproofing, and others. Apart from this,
insurance companies also provide coverage to the
safes with specific minimum safe ratings only.
Depending upon the nature of the valuables that
need safekeeping, you will be able to determine
the type of safe and degree of protection you
need. For example, if you have non-negotiable
paper documents to store, a fireproof safe is
what you need. However, for the purpose of
securing bullion, coins or jewelry, a burglary
resistant safe is what you need.
43. Space for Installation
The space that is available for installation is
another determinant that should never be missed
at the time of purchasing a safe. One very
important points that you must be aware of while
determining the size of the safe you require, is
the fact that there may be a considerable
variation between internal and the external
dimensions. Therefore, you must measure the space
that is available before you go ahead to order a
54. Number of Currency Detectors needed
? Capacity If the volume of cash to be managed
is huge then you require more validators, but the
number of validators you can actually install in
the safe depends on the capacity of the safe. ?
Redundancy Installing extra validators that
can be used in times of emergency is a great
idea. They are handy in case of failure or
breakdown of one or more validators . ?
Acceptance Rate To be able to accept more
currency notes in a short time period, either the
acceptance rate should be very high or you may
have to increase the number of validators to
alternate your deposits between the available
6Word of advice
Price is obviously a major determinant in
choosing the right safe. However, instead of
looking for a cheap safe, you must look for one
that is cost effective. In other words, the best
security safe for your business is not the one
that is cheap but one that is cost effective, and
suits your business needs.