Title: Kickboxing - A Unique Way Of Gaining Fitness
A Unique Way Of Gaining Fitness
Kickboxing is a combination of boxing, martial
arts and aerobics. It encompasses a large variety
of exercise types, so the chances of getting
bored are less. It is very enjoyable and diverse
exercise which is not only effective but also
increases stamina and makes your muscles stronger.
3There are different types of kick boxing
1) Cardio kickboxing
2) Semi contact kickboxing
3) Light contact kickboxing
4) Full contact kickboxing
4- Cardio Kickboxing
- Cardio kickboxing is a combination of martial
arts, boxing and aerobics. Cardio plays a key
role in kickboxing. Cardio is an excellent
exercise which increases your physical fitness
and stamina.
- Semi Contact Kickboxing
- Semi contact kick boxing helps us to develop for
later stages. It includes some movements of
kickboxing and self defence routines which
enhance the training and gives a sense of purpose
to the techniques.
5- Light Contact Kickboxing
- It is very popular type of kickboxing and is
recommended to new students. In this, focus is
mainly on your safety and movements are allowed
in controlled manner.
- Full Contact Kickboxing
- Full contact kickboxing is mostly recommended to
those who are very serious. Full-contact
Kickboxing allows opponents to fight each other
with the aim of knocking their opponent out or
scoring the most points.
6UFC Gym Sydney
Address - 85-93 O'Riordan St Alexandria,
NSW, 2015, Australia Phone No 0280888808 Email
Id alexandria_at_ufcgymsydney.com Website