Title: Tradies, Business & Builders Insurance Online in Australia
Many years of experience in the insurance
industry and a thorough understanding of your
requirements is what imar does. Our experts
thoroughly understand your requirement or your
business plan and suggest an insurance best
suited to it offering the best of the premium.
3imar Services
- We are one of the leading insurance brokers in
Australia offering suitable general insurance to
the businesses of all sizes small, medium or
large. - Business Insurance
- Tradies Insurance
- Builders Insurance
4Importance of Insurance
There is an old saying that goes, if you cant
afford to insure, you cant afford not to
insure. Having appropriate cover is vital for
every trade and the advantages of insurance make
it an absolute must have.
5Contact imar
Head Office Unit 4/10 Duerdin Street Clayton
North, VIC 3168 Free Call 1800 284 627 Website
http//www.imar.com.au Follow us on
Twitter Facebook https//www.facebook.com/imarAus