Title: ADJ 255 expert tutor/ indigohelp
1 ADJ 255 expert tutor/ indigohelp
2ADJ 255 Capstone CheckPoint- An Informed Opinion
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- Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
- Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of
these questions - o Of the contemporary issues examined in this
course, which issue did you feel most - strongly about, and why?
- o Did you have a clear-cut opinion about that
issue? - o Which issue seemed to be the most irresolvable,
and what do you think the future - holds for that issue?
3ADJ 255 Entire Course
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- ADJ 255 Week 1 CheckPoint Constitutionality of
Free Speech vs. Threats to National Security -
- ADJ 255 Week 1 Assignment Privacy Rights and
Press Freedoms -
- ADJ 255 Week 1 CheckPoint The Media, Crime, and
Violence -
- ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
- ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
- ADJ 255 Week 2 CheckPoint Media-Based Anticrime
4ADJ 255 Final Project- Criminal Justice Opinion
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- Resource Appendix A
- Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Create a 2,500- to 2,800-word Criminal Justice
Opinion Portfolio outlining your opinion on - one issue from each of the eight weeks of this
class. Select issues about which you feel - strongly, and create eight distinct opinion
essays to complete your portfolio. - See Appendix A for additional project
5ADJ 255 Week 1 CheckPoint- Constitutionality of
Free Speech vs. Threats to National Security
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- Resource Electronic Reserve Readings article
Journalists Caught in the Crossfire - Robert Novak, the First Amendment, and
Journalists Duty of Confidentiality - Due Date Day 5 post to the Individual forum
- Provide a 50- to 75-word response to each of
these questions - o What role does the Intelligence Identities
Protection Act play in this matter? - o What does the threat or exercise of criminal
punishment typically have upon - journalists? How might punishment conflict with
First Amendment protections of - freedoms of speech and press?
6ADJ 255 Week 2 CheckPoint- Media-Based Anticrime
- For more classes visit
- www.indigohelp.com
- Resources The National Citizens Crime
Prevention Campaign Web site, Americas Most - Wanted Web site, and Electronic Reserve Reading
The Extent of Crime Has Been - Exaggerated by the Media
- Due Date Day 5 Individual forum
- Review the National Citizens Crime Prevention
Campaign Web site at - http//www.ncpc.org/media/current.php Spend some
time examining the print, television, - and Internet public service announcements.
7ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
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- Reportage of certain crimes like the Columbine
High School massacre accelerates moral - panics, causing society to quickly adopt new
crime policies (the incident at Columbine, for - example, caused many schools to adopt
zero-tolerance policies and stricter gun laws to
be - passed).
- Resource Electronic Reserve Reading The
Extent of Crime Has Been Exaggerated by - the Media
- Due Date Day 2 Main forum
- Read The Extent of Crime Has Been Exaggerated
by the Media.
8ADJ 255 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
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- Discussion Question 2
- Due Date Day 4 Main forum
- ADJ 255 Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
- Course Syllabus Page 15
- Review The Courtroom 21 Project Web site at
http//www.courtroom21.net . Examine the - Company Info and Participating Companies
Technology sections. - Post your responses to these questions Based
on your review of the Courtroom 21 - Project, in what ways could technology help or
impede the criminal justice process
9ADJ 255 Week 3 Assignment- Senators Letter
- For more classes visit
- www.indigohelp.com
- Resources Debating Crime, the University
Library, and the Internet - Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Write a 1,050- 1,400-word letter in which you
assume the role of any modern United - States senator. Direct your letter to the
Congress of the United States. In it, either
defend - the use of the exclusionary rule, or explain why
the exclusionary rule was not intended to - be used as an enforcement technique for
violations of the Fourth Amendment. In the - letter
10ADJ 255 Week 3 CheckPoint- Excessive Use of Force
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- www.indigohelp.com
- Resources Debating Crime, the University
Library, and the Internet - Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
- Take a stand on this controversial topic
Develop a persuasive argument as to whether - or not excessive force is a systematic problem.
Argue one of these viewpoints - o Excessive use of force is a systematic problem.
- o Excessive use of force is not a systematic
problem. - Identify and incorporate statistics on police
brutality from Debating Crime, the University - Library, and a reputable Internet source. Support
your argument with these statistics. -
11ADJ 255 Week 4 CheckPoint- Death Penalty
- For more classes visit
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- Resource The Death Penalty Information Center
Web site - Due Date Day 5 Individual forum
- Navigate to the Death Penalty Information
Center Web site at - http//www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/ , locate the
Facts section, and select the Recent - Legislative Activity link. Upon entering the
Changes in Death Penalty Laws Around - the U.S. 2000-2005 page, select the link which
corresponds to your state. (If you are an -
12ADJ 255 Week 4 Discussion Question 1
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- Due Date Day 2 Main forum
- A great deal of debate exists about the
existence and various applications of the death - penalty in the U.S. Since the year 2002 alone,
the U.S. Supreme Court has declared the - execution of juveniles and mentally retarded
persons unconstitutional (see the Issues on - Juveniles and Mental Retardation on the Death
Penalty Information Center Web site at - http//www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/ ).
13ADJ 255 Week 4 Discussion Question 2
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- Due Date Day 4 Main forum
- Debate Should the death penalty be abolished?
Because you may or may not already - have a strong opinion about the death penalty,
your instructor will arbitrarily assign you - and your classmates to a specific viewpoint.
Should you be assigned to a viewpoint with - which you disagree, consider it an opportunity to
expand your knowledge of what the - other side thinks about the issue.
14ADJ 255 Week 5 Assignment- Equality of Justice,
Jury Nullification
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- Assignment Equality of Justice, Jury
Nullification - Resources The Department of Justice Fact Sheet
on Racial Profiling, and Debating - Crime
- Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Answer the questions listed below for each of
the four articles appearing in Issues 8 and - 11 in Debating Crime. Provide a 50-word minimum
response to each question. - o Issue 8 Black Jurors Right to Acquit? (Jury
Nullification) by Paul Butler, p.
15ADJ 255 Week 5 CheckPoint- Women and the Criminal
Justice System
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- www.indigohelp.com
- CheckPoint Women and the Criminal Justice System
- Resources The National Organization for Women
Legislators Web site, Debating Crime, - the University Library, and the Internet
- Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
- Imagine you are a member of the National
Organization for Women Legislators - (http//www.womenlegislators.org/ ), and you have
been asked to present at the - upcoming annual conference.
16ADJ 255 Week 6 CheckPoint- Abolish Parole
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- CheckPoint Abolish Parole
- Despite the abolishment of federal parole in
1995, the number of adults on parole is on the - rise, according to the 2003 Probation and Parole
Bulletin issued by the Bureau of Justice - Statistics.
17ADJ 255 Week 6 Discussion Question 1
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- Due Date Day 2 Main forum
- Debate Should prisons be privatized? Your
instructor will divide the class into two - debate clusters Prisons Should be Privatized and
Prisons Should Not be Privatized. - Look for a post from your instructor identifying
your designated position. - Post to the discussion thread, assuming your
assigned viewpoint. Refer to the list of - talking points below.
18ADJ 255 Week 6 Discussion Question 2
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- Due Date Day 4 Main forum
- Debate Should the U.S. end the War on Drugs?
Your instructor will divide the class into - two debate clusters Continue the War on Drugs
and End the War on Drugs. Look for a - post from your instructor identifying your
designated position. - Post to the discussion thread, assuming your
assigned viewpoint. Debate your position in - the discussion thread with any student who has
the opposite viewpoint.
19ADJ 255 Week 7 Assignment- Government Expansion
for National Security
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- Assignment Government Expansion for National
Security - Resource Defending the Homeland text
- Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis that
examines these issues - o Should intelligence operations be expanded?
What is the intelligence dilemma facing - United States law enforcement? Define and explain
this dilemma.
20ADJ 255 Week 7 CheckPoint- The USA PATRIOT ACT-
Appendix B
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- Resources Appendix B, Electronic Reserve Reading
article Update USA Patriot Act, - and Defending the Homeland text
- Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
- Organize provisions from the USA PATRIOT ACT
found within the article Update USA - Patriot Act using the matrix in Appendix B.
21ADJ 255 Week 8 CheckPoint- Strategies for Law
Enforcement- Appendix C
- For more classes visit
- www.indigohelp.com
- Resources Appendix C, Defending the Homeland
text, and Studies in the Jihad Against - the Tyrants
- Due Date Day 5 Individual forum
- Review Osama bin Ladens militant manual,
Military Studies in the Jihad Against the - Tyrants, at http//www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/b
inmurder1.html - Analyze national security strategies from
Chapter 6 of Defending the Homeland using - Appendix C.
22ADJ 255 Week 8 Discussion Question 1
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- Due Date Day 2 Main forum
- Post your responses to these questions Do you
think police should be used to gather - intelligence? Why or why not? If required to work
more closely, do you think state and - local law enforcement agencies would cooperate
effectively? - Respond to at least one classmate whose opinion
differs from your own.
23ADJ 255 Week 8 Discussion Question 2
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- www.indigohelp.com
- Due Date Day 4 Main forum
- Post your response to the following Would a
centralized system like the Department of - Homeland Security or a decentralized system with
deeper community connections better - enable the U.S. to operate according to the goals
of the Department of Homeland - Securitys Strategic Plan? Explain why you think
one would be more effective than the - other.
24 ADJ 255 expert tutor/ indigohelp