Title: ERANTEC Electrical & Electronics Enclosures Manufacturer in Australia
1Contact numbers (Australia wide) Phone
61 (0) 3 9756 4000 Fax 61 (0) 3 9753
4000 E-mail sales_at_erntec.net
Electrical Electronics Enclosures, Australia
Website http//www.erntec.net/
2DC Micro-motors
Coreless DC-Motors
Machine as well as custom enclosures are of
immense utility not only in the factory or job
sites but also in your houses. ERNTEC is well
known for designing, manufacturing and marketing
different types of Enclosures are for the
packaging as well as protection of different
products. The range of such products offered by
the professionals is combined with design
capability, know-how, value addition and
Flat Coreless DC-Motors
3Miniature Stepper Motors
ERNTEC is a completely Australian owned company.
It is proudly associated with manufacturing
electronic and electrical solutions. The
professionals are fully committed to quality in
terms of operation, service and offer excellent
4Contact Us
ERNTEC Pty Ltd Head Office Factory
Contact numbers (Australia wide)
Phone 61 (0) 3 9756 4000 Fax 61 (0)
3 9753 4000 E-mail sales_at_erntec.net Webs
ite URL http//www.erntec.net/
Street/Delivery Address 15 Koornang Road
Scoresby VIC 3179