Title: BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
1BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
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2BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP Course)
- BSHS 452 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP Course)
- BSHS 452 Week 2 Individual Assignment Worksheet
3.1A, Statement of Needs Questionnaire (UOP
Course) - BSHS 452 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment
Assessment Process and Needs Problem Statement
(UOP Course)
- What is the purpose of a need statement? What
should it contain?
3BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- What are some of the key factors that would help
to determine whether or not an organization is
ready to seek funding? Discuss why these factors
are important.
- Discuss what is meant by a Letter of Intent. Why
do you think it may be important?
4BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 2 Individual Assignment Worksheet 3
- Discuss the Evaluation Component. Why do you
think it is important to a grant proposal?
- Resource Worksheet 3.1A
- Use worksheet 3.1A, Statement of Needs
Questionnaire as a guide to complete this
assignment. Do not submit the worksheet, rather
use the information gleaned from the worksheet to
write your assignment in a narrative format. You
will be writing a needs statement based on the
organization you selected in your DQ during week
5BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment
Assessment Process and Needs Problem Statement
- Use worksheet 3.1A, Statement of Needs
Questionnaire as a guide to complete this
assignment. Do not submit the worksheet, rather
use the information gleaned from the worksheet to
write your assignment in a narrative format. - Write a need and problem statement in no more
than three pages that presents the service need
or problem to be addressed.
- What is the definition of a goal? What is the
definition of an objective? - Discuss why they are different.
6BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 3 Individual Assignment Methods
- What is the purpose and content of a
Sustainability Component?
- Use worksheet 5.1A on page 36 of your text as a
guide to complete this assignment. Do not submit
the worksheet, rather use the information gleaned
from the worksheet to write your assignment in a
narrative format. You will be writing about the
same organization that you wrote your needs
statement for in week two for your individual
7BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Program
Design and Timeline and Program Evaluation
- Technical writing is the practice of explaining
technical issues in ways that non-technical
people can understand. Why would this be
important in the grant writing process?
- Use worksheet 5.1A on page 36 of your text as a
guide to complete this assignment. Do not submit
the worksheet, rather use the information gleaned
from the worksheet to write your assignment in a
narrative format. You will be writing about the
same organization that you wrote your needs
statement for in week two for your team
8BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Proposal
- Complete the budget for your learning team
proposal. You can use a Microsoft word document
or Excel Spreadsheet to complete the budget. Use
worksheet 8.1A in your text pages 58-60 as a
guide. Remember to include a short narrative (see
example page 60) to help explain your income and
- What is the purpose of a proposed budget? What
should it contain?
9BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Proposal
Goals and Objectives
- What skill did you learn during the Grant
proposal process that will be useful to you in
the future? How and why?
- Write in narrative format in no more than four
pages the goals and objectives for your program.
You should include the following information for
each identified objective within your goal - Direction of change,Area of change,Target
population,Degree of change, andTime frame.
10BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 5 Individual Assignment Grant
Review and Evaluation
- Evaluate one of the grant proposals assigned by
your facilitator. You will not be evaluating your
individual or learning team proposal for this
assignment. I will post a grant for you to review
in the materials forum.
- What aspect of the Grant proposal process did you
find most difficult? Why?
11BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
- BSHS 452 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Grant
Proposal and Presentation
- Identify the grant proposal topic. You will be
using the same agency and topic you have already
identified and you have been working on for the
last three weeks. - Create a 10- to 17-page grant proposal
- Include in the grant proposal
- Letter of intentCover letter
12BSHS 452 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank
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