Title: Jason Fond Director Of Orthopedic Surgery
1Jason Fond Director Of Orthopedic Surgery
Jason Fond is the Director of Orthopedic Surgery
at Nyack Hospital in Nyack, New York. He is also
the partner of the private practice Northeast
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, a merging of
several orthopedic groups throughout Rockland
County in upstate New York. Dr. Fond has many
years of experience practicing orthopedic
medicine and always tries to give his patients
the best surgical or nonsurgical care. He has
worked with several professional sports teams as
a team physician as well. Jason Fond is a partner
physician for a local private practice called
Northeast Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.
2Jason Fond Orthopedic Physician
Jason Fond is an orthopedic physician and surgeon
based in upstate New York. He is the Director of
Orthopedic Surgery at Nyack Hospital and a
partner physician of Northeast Orthopedics and
Sports Medicine. Dr. Fond also became the
President of the Medical Staff for Nyack Hospital
in 2014. Dr. Fond has worked with many patients
with a wide range of joint and tendon injuries
and conditions over his long career. He is double
board certified in orthopedics and sports
3Jason Fond Former Team Physician
Jason Fond is the former assistant team physician
for Major League Baseballs Miami Marlins and the
NFLs Washington Redskins. His expertise working
with patients on their tendon and joint health
prepared him for a career as the Director of
Orthopedic Surgery for Nyack Hospital in Nyack,
New York. Dr. Fond is also a partner physician
for the private practice Northeast Orthopedics
and Sports Medicine, an amalgamation of several
area private practices dealing with joint and
tendon health. Dr. Fond and other orthopedic
leaders in the area decided to band together and
combine their strengths.
4Jason Fond Respected Physician
Jason Fond has long been known for his excellent
work getting patients back to their normal,
active lifestyles with orthopedic treatments that
work. He is quick to plan noninvasive,
nonsurgical treatments that strengthen joints and
tendons and put patients on the road to recovery
from a number of injuries. When surgery is
necessary, Dr. Fond is one of the most skilled
orthopedic surgeons in upstate New York. He is
the Director of Orthopedic Surgery for Nyack
Hospital in Nyack, New York.
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