Title: Research and planning
1Research and Planning
2The Film Poster
- The film poster is the piece of advertisement
that audience members will first use to associate
a film with a genre. Moreover, it is important
that particular conventions are put across
through the poster in order for consumers to
identify a film with a genre that suits them.
3The first film poster we look at is Shutter
Island, belonging to the crime/thriller genre
much like my film, it is important to see what
they have used in the poster. A dark tone is set
over the whole poster, with red the only real
colour noticeable to the viewer. The deep red
colour used has connotations of evil and blood,
instantly engaging audience members interested in
films with a darker narrative. The actors face
an name are clearly visible so that viewers know
exactly who they can expect to see in the film.
Pathetic fallacy and a generally cold, dark feel
to the image further increases the suggestion
that the film will bring a dark, thrilling ride
to audience members.
Eyes off camera
Tag line entices the audience and provokes
Rain and dark weather used is an example of
pathetic fallacy showing film contains dark
Setting of the film seems haunting and spooky.
Film title clearly displayed in large font using
blood red colour.
Star of film in centre of page and actors name
clearly displayed
4Another example of a crime/thriller is The Game.
We can see many conventions similar to that of
Shutter Island. A dark tone is set over the whole
poster, with a deep red being used for a section
of the text once again connoting themes of
blood and drama. A tag line is again used to
entice the audience, players wanted invites the
viewer to get involved and see the film. Again,
the lead actors name and film title are clearly
visible, allowing audience members to get a clear
idea of who they can expect to see in the
picture. The image used suggests puzzling themes,
as well as remaining in touch with the name of
the film the game.
5The poster for the neo-noir psychological
thriller reflects certain aspects of the
storyline we see from the film, cleverly using
polaroid photographs to show the stars that
audiences can expect to see. As weve seen from
all of the film posters, the leading actors names
are again displayed in a font in keeping with the
rest of the page. The film title is in the
biggest sized font of the page, clearly
indicating that it is indeed the title of the
film. This poster also avoids a vast colour
scheme, using mainly dark tones and then harsh
lighting on the actors faces for the two images
6Actors names
Dark background used
Dark faded image of actor 1
Dark faded image of actor 2
Film information
7Film information
Actors names
8The Double Page Spread
- Double page spreads feature in magazines and
provide readers with an insight into the movie.
They often show images from the film, interviews
with cast/crew and a brief hint of what movie -
goers can expect from the featured flick.
9Contrast between the text and the background
means that text is easily visible
Whole page uses film image as the background
Lead actor takes up half of double page spread
Article headline
Stand first this acts as an introduction to the
article itself
A hint that the article continues
10The classy, traditional feel that is consistently
associated with the James Bond franchise is
something that definitely acted as an inspiration
when creating my crime/film noir production. The
double page spread layout is something I would
definitely like to draw elements from. For
example, I find the background image taking up
the entire page very striking. The text in black
still stands out, while iconic images from the
film are still perfectly positioned around the
page for the reader to enjoy. This fits my
demographic as fans of the genre are not
necessarily after action and too much going on,
but instead a subtle hint at what they can expect
from a quality film.
11A wide shot is used in this example, instantly
showing readers that they can expect a certain
level of action from the film with police and
guns shown in the image. A heavier body of text
can also be found, this time with the inclusion
of statistics and a star rating suggesting that
the article is more of a review style feature.
This is something I may look to include in my
double page spread, as it adds a certain maturity
to the article. Adding maturity and focusing on a
mainly adult audience for the film would not be a
bad thing for my spread, as this is the audience
age Im aiming to target.
12The final double page spread differs from the
previous two through the way in which it provides
an insight into the films behind the scenes
action. The large image used shows the filming
process, immediately indicating that we are going
to delve deeper than a simple review of the film.
This style of article usually involves interviews
with cast and crew and gives readers a taste of
how the film was made, in a way that still
entices them to see the film.
Title of article
Brief introduction
Article (2 columns)
14 Image makes up the background of article
Image of actors
Title of article
Article (3 columns)