Title: Commands in AutoCAD
1What is the use of window selection, crossing
window selection, and polygon window selection in
Presentation by ADMEC MULTIMEDIA
INSTITUTE www.admecindia.co.in
2Window Selection tool in AutoCAD
The Window selection allows us to pick two
diagonal corners (X, Y) which select everything
that comes completely in the selection window
(press left click and drag left to right). Blue
color represents the Window Selection.
3So you can see in example, the window selection
can select only 3 circles. The selection is very
useful when you want to select only the objects
that come inside the selection area only.
4Crossing Window Selection in AutoCAD
Now the second type of selection is Crossing
Window Selection. If you want to use this
selection (press left mouse button and drag right
to left). You can see in image the selection is
being shown in green color.
5The result is 6 selected out of 9. This means the
Crossing Window Selection selects all the
elements whether they are completely or partially
inside the window selection.
6Polygon Window selection in AutoCAD
The Polygon Window selection allows us to pick
more than two points defining a polygon in which
selects everything within the polygon. First
select move command (m) and type (wp) for Polygon
Window Selection than you can select any object.
This selection type is very good to selected
elements and drawings on an odd angle or shape.
7In above images you can see that only that part
is select which is under the polygon window
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