Title: Offset Umbrellas & Cantilever Umbrellas – SimplyShade
1Offset Umbrellas Cantilever Umbrellas
2About us
SimplyShade is the perfect way to add style,
design, color and the ultimate in outdoor shade
to your patio, terrace, garden or any exterior
space. As a part of the trusted Treasure Garden
family, SimplyShade has been created to offer
proven, trend-setting umbrella options for
protection and shade. With over 30 years of
experience, weve made shopping for the right
shade product for your backyard easy and simple.
Each of our styles and fabric color or design
options has been carefully selected to meet the
latest in outdoor décor crafted to perfectly fit
your shade needs. From cantilevers to market
umbrellas, our designer selected options allow
SimplyShade to offer a quick lead
time. SimplyShade, representing the same
passion and dedication to quality with which the
Treasure Garden brand was founded, will deliver
the perfect shade for any outdoor space.
3cantilever outdoor umbrella
4large outdoor umbrellas
5umbrella stand outdoor
6outdoor umbrella lights
7Protective covers
8Contact us
13401 Brooks Drive Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Email
info_at_simplyshade.com https//www.facebook.com/simp
lyshade https//twitter.com/simplyshadeca https//
plus.google.com/112160241721695899411 https//www.