Title: Criminal Lawyer in Mississauga
1Criminal Lawyers Missisauga
- If youve been charged with a crime, one of
the best possible outcomes is to have that charge
reduced to a lesser charge. This is one of the
many ways in which a criminal lawyer can help
you. If youve been charged with a crime in
2Criminal Lawyers In Mississauga
- If youve been charged with a crime in
Mississauga, then contact the lawyers at Saggi
Law Firm could be the best possible way to end up
with a much lighter charge than that which you
were originally accused of. - Drug charges are the perfect example of
this type of crime. Drug charges range widely in
severity. A simple possession charge
3Criminal Lawyer In Mississauga
For example, may carry a very light penalty,
especially for a first time offender. However, if
youve been charged with trafficking or intent to
traffic, or of benefitting from the proceeds of
crime, then youre facing a much more serious
charge, and a consequent much more serious
4Criminal Defence Lawyer Mississauga
- Saggi Law firm has successfully helped many
of their Mississauga clients plead to lesser
charges in order to avoid these very serious
stains on their criminal record. - By contacting a professional criminal
lawyer, you can find out what options may be
available to you in terms of getting a reduced
charge and resultant sentence.
5Mississauga Criminal Lawyer
- If you have questions or concerns please do not
hesitate to contact us. - Visit our website
- www.saggilawfirm.com