Title: Key Principles of Heroin Addiction Rehabs
1Key Principles of Heroin Addiction Rehabs
2Heroin is a complex drug, which when a patient
gets addicted to, they become a danger to
themselves as well as the people around them. A
patient addicted to heroin has his thinking power
compromised to such a level that they are unable
to set right and wrong apart.
3In the mid 1970s, a scientific research showed
that special treatments can stop a patient from
using drugs. In fact, it can help a patient avoid
a relapse. This is why heroin addiction rehabs in
Los Angeles were opened. These rehabs were formed
on some key principles, which includes
4- Drug addiction is a treatable disease, which
affects a persons behavior and brain function - The treatment covers multiple needs of a patient
and not just relief from their drug addiction - The patient is required to remain in treatment
for a certain period of time until a professional
deems him or her worthy of functioning in the
outside world
5- Counseling Group, individual and behavioral
therapies are crucial in the treatment - Medications must be given under strict
supervision - The treatment plan of an individual must be
modified if a patient shows signs of slow progress
6- Apart from the patients drug problem, other
mental disorders must also be treated - Necessary treatment can be administered by force
- Regular monitoring to avoid relapses
7When patients are admitted to a heroin addiction
rehab in Los Angeles, they are checked for
AIDS/HIV, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis C and B and
other contagious diseases. This helps doctors to
treat patients with the right medicine.
8Riviera Recovery 6531 Zumirez Drive Malibu, CA,
90265 USA PH 866.478.8799