Title: Easy way to solve your Urinary retention (1)
1Urinary retention
- Urinary retention, also known as ischuria, is an
inability to completely empty the bladder. It is
a common complication of benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH), though it can also be caused
by - Nerve dysfunction
- Tethered spinal cord syndrome
- Constipationmedical citation needed
- Infection
- Medications (including anticholinergics,
antidepressants, COX-2 inhibitors, amphetamines,
and opioids)
2Signs and symptoms
Urinary retention is characterised by poor
urinary stream with intermittent flow, straining,
a sense of incomplete voiding, and hesitancy (a
delay between trying to urinate and the flow
actually beginning). As the bladder remains full,
it may lead to incontinence, nocturia (need to
urinate at night), and high frequency.
- In the bladder
- Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia
- Neurogenic bladder (commonly pelvic splanchic
nerve damage, cauda equina syndrome, descending
cortical fibers lesion, pontine micturation or
storage center lesions, demyelinating diseases or
Parkinson's disease) - Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment/procedure)
scarring of the bladder neck (commonly from
removal of indwelling catheters or cystoscopy
operations) - Damage to the bladder
- In the prostate
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- Prostate cancer and other pelvic malignancies
- Prostatitis
- Penile urethra
- Congenital urethral valves
- Phimosis or pinhole meatus
- Circumcision
- Obstruction in the urethra, for example a
stricture (usually caused either by injury or
STD), a metastasis or a precipitated pseudogout
crystal in the urine - STD lesions (gonorrhoea causes numerous
strictures, leading to a "rosary bead"
appearance, whereas chlamydia usually causes a
single stricture)
Analysis of urine flow may aid in establishing
the type of micturition (urination) abnormality.
Common findings, determined by ultrasound of the
bladder, include a slow rate of flow,
intermittent flow, and a large amount of urine
retained in the bladder after urination. A normal
test result should be 20-25 mL/s peak flow rate.
- Doctor Advice
- Medication
- Catheter
- Surgery
- Sitting voiding position
6Urinary Retention Cure Device
7Click here to know morewww.uridoc.info