Title: Benefits of Cakephp Development
1Advantages of Cakephp for Php Web Development
Why choose CakePhp for Your Business ??
Xtreem Solution
2 Firstly What is CakePhp ?
CakePHP is a free, open-source, rapid development
framework for PHP. It's a foundational structure
for programmers to create web applications.
Xtreem Solution
3Some of the Key Points of Cakephp !!
Heres a quick list of features using CakePHP
- It was active , Friendly and too easy to use.
- It includes class inheritance feature.
- No configuration is required to set up connection
- Includes builds in validation Feature
- Integrated CRUD for database integration
- Fast and flexible templating
- Flexible caching
- Built in validation
- Code Generation
Xtreem Solution
4Advantages of using Cakephp For Your business
Some of the striking features of cakephp that
makes it a desirable web development platform are
- Easy to setup and requires Minimal coding
- Uses built-up features for validation
- Includes builds in validation Feature
- Maintain flexible caching system and ACL
- Build in Object relational Mapping framework
- Build in Database Authentication
- Saves Cost of Development upto 70
- Code Generation
Xtreem Solution
5Advantages of using Cakephp For Your business
Xtreem Solution is a pioneer CakePHP Development
Company offering cutting-edge solutions for
CakePHP framework. We use the latest technologies
and wide experience to develop feature-rich and
responsive CakePHP solutions.
Call us _at_ 0141-23310811
401-403, 4th floor, North Avenue, Road No.-9A,
Sikar Road, Jaipur Rajasthan, India
Mail us _at_ info_at_xtreemsolution.com
Xtreem Solution