Courtesy Car - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Courtesy Car


| If you are not fault in a motor vehicle accident, you are legally entitled to recover reasonable costs incurred from the party at fault or their insurer. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: demurrage
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Title: Courtesy Car

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What is Demurrage?
Basically to recover your car rental costs from
the party at fault or their insurer is referred
to as Demurrage or a Demurrage Claim. Demurrage
is a shipping term and the car rental industry in
the UK initially adapted this to assist in
recovery of car rental costs for the victims of
motor vehicle accidents.
How do I Get A Replacement Vehicle
  • Its as easy as 1, 2, 3.
  • Download or complete our online claim form here.
  • Supply other necessary supporting documents.
  • Allow us to assess the claim

Claims Process
  • Step 1 - Claim Eligibility
  • There is a number criterion to determine
    eligibility of a replacement vehicle, however
    just as a quick reference if the following
    criteria are met the likelihood of your claim
    being approved is very good.
  • Party at fault is insured. (comprehensive or
    third party cover)
  • Party at fault has lodged a claim.
  • Party at faults insurer accepts liability for
    the incident
  • Step 2 - Send Form and Supporting Documents to us
  • You can either download our form OR enter your
    email address to have form automatically emailed
    to you. Click Here.
  • You must also send us..
  • Copy of your Drivers Licence
  • Copy of your RTA Certificate of Registration (for
    your damaged vehicle)

Step 3 - Claim Assessment Once all documentation
and information has been obtained, our claims
officers will assess the claim. This process
normally takes a few minutes, provided all
information is supplied and is correct. Once the
claim has been approved we can then arrange a
replacement vehicle for you. Step 4 -
Replacement Vehicle You are entitled to a vehicle
of similar standard to your damaged vehicle and
we will do our best to obtain this for you,
however this is not always possible. The rental
companies we deal with will supply a vehicle on
credit to you and await payment from us once
rental costs have been recovered. The vehicle
supplied will be from an independent rental
company and normal rental conditions apply.  A
credit card is usually required for most rental
Step 5 - Claimable Rental Period Your vehicle
repairable  We will obtain a copy of the repair
estimate from  the panel beater to calculate how
many rental days can be claimed.  These are based
on the hours authorised to repair your
vehicle. Your vehicle a total loss  If your
vehicle is declared a total loss, you can
generally claim up to 14 days OR if you receive a
cheque from the insurance company first,
whichever is the sooner.  If you are uninsured or
only have third party cover we can often extend
the rental up to the date the settlement cheque
is received. In every circumstance each claim is
assessed on its individual merits and we will
contact you to advise the claimable rental
period. The date we supply to you will be
accurate based on the information supplied at
time of calculation, however this date may change
if the panel beater is faced with part delays or
finds additional damage to your vehicle.
Step 6 - Submit Claim to Insurance Company Upon
completion of repairs to your vehicle or return
of the rental vehicle we will submit your claim
to the party at faults insurance company.  Upon
payment of the rental vehicle costs the rental
company will be paid and our file closed.
About MVACARS MVACARS (Motor Vehicle Accident
Claims And Recovery Service) was established
purely to recover rental vehicle costs for
victims of motor vehicle accidents. The team at
MVACARS have worked in the motor vehicle accident
and repair industry for the past 20 years. This
page is usually designated to tell you how great
we are and what a wonderful service we provide,
just like our competitors. We all know theyre
just words, actions speak louder than
words....allow our actions to show you the type
of service we provide Please contact us if you
have any questions regarding information or
documentation with your claim.
Contact Us P.O Box 387  Northbridge  NSW 
2063Ph 1300 914 969 Fx 1300 924
969Email Website
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