Title: What Happened To The Radhe Maa Case
1What Happened To The Radhe Maa Case
2After allegations of dowry harassment, which
appears to be falling flat in court, charges of
obscenity that involve the wearing of skirts that
should have been nobody's, and personal comments
on life-style, and make-up of Mamtamai Shri Radhe
Guru Maa, all is quiet once again. So, what
happened to the allegations. Apparently, those
who have thrown the allegations and filed cases
against Radhe Maa are being asked by the court to
provide evidence which has not been coming at
all. In a reversal, Radhe Maa devotees are asking
the court to punish those who threw these
allegations to either prove their charges against
Radhe Maa without any evidence. Read more
on www.radhemaa.com For more such stories
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