Title: Shade Sail
1- Structureflex has a long and successful history
of supplying engineered premium fabric Sails,
Structures and services to the professional
building and Shade supplier markets around the
2Structureflex shade products are constructed from
the highest quality materials, ensuring that our
sails are durable, long lasting and pleasing to
the eye.
Also available are a variety of professional
services including 1.Structural design of shade
products2.Engineering and certification3.Shade
auditing4.Fabric testing
3Architectural umbrellas are tensile structures
Structureflex is also the Master Distributor for
Victoria and Tasmania of the Skyspan range of
portable and/or retractable outdoor umbrellas
which are brilliantly engineered and
aesthetically appealing.
4Commercial Shadecloth whats in a name?
Shade cloth manufacturers refer to many of their
products as Commercial
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