Title: Nature vs Nurture Essay
1Nature vs. Nurture Essay
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2You can see the steps of writing a compare and
contrast essay on the topic Nature vs. Nurture
31. Understanding and Explaining the Practical
Value of Making a Comparative Analysis
To write a compare and contrast essay under the
title Nature vs. Nurture, the first thing you
need is to understand and explain the necessity
of making a comparative analysis of these two
4Answer yourself the question What is the
practical value of comparison the nature and
nurture theories of human behavior? It is not so
difficult, as you may expect! To answer this
question, you have to brainstorm your experience.
Think carefully, have you ever faced any
situations or problems where you were sure that
everything was lying in the power of your nature
/ nurture?
52. Narrowing the Topic according to Your Own
This step is closely connected with the previous
one. While giving an answer on the question
What is the practical value of comparison the
nature and nurture theories of human behavior?,
you understand what your essay will be about.
6Suppose your answer on the question is like this
Making a comparative analysis of the nature and
nurture influence on a human life is necessary,
because it can solve many other practical
problems. As for me, I have faced a problem
should school teachers have monetary rewards for
their students high academic performance? Thus,
as you can guess, your compare and contrast essay
on the topic Nature vs. Nurture will be chiefly
about the influence of genes vs. the influence of
environment on the talented students high
academic performance.
73. Giving Some General Information Concerned with
the Topic
Narrowing a topic to your own interests doesnt
mean that you have to avoid all the general facts
connected with your theme. Furthermore, you need
to write several sentences about your issue on
the whole.
8For example, you may refer to the beginning of
the controversy among naturalists and empiricists
throughout the history. Mention that according to
the mind of Jean Jacques Rousseau, the nature has
the strongest influence on a human brain and
behavior, whereas John Lock states that our
thoughts and traits depend on our experience
exclusively. You may also say that modern
psychologists stress that both genetics and
environment play an important role in a human
life. .
94. Proving Your Own Point of View and Giving Some
Examples according to Your Interests (Experience)
After this, prove your own point of view in the
body paragraphs of your essay. You should give
bright examples from your own experience,
literature or history. As you write about school
teachers and students, it is easier and more
interesting for you to refer to your own
experience. Here you can see two possible
variants of proving your own opinion.
10The First Variant. The Nurture Theory of Human
Behavior (According to the Empiricists Point of
If you are sure that our environment is much more
important, than our genetics, you may write the
following To my mind, school teachers
should be rewarded for their students high
academic performance. Recognizing a gift is a
hard labor. Thus, a students high academic
performance consists not only of the talent of a
child, but also of a work and patience of a
teacher. Im grateful to my teachers for my
11The Second Variant. The Nature Theory of Human
Behavior (According to the Naturalists Point of
If you are a follower of naturalists, you may
write something like this I am against of
rewarding school teachers for their students high
academic performance. I am also against of school
teachers being punished for their students low
academic performance. When I was a schoolboy, I
used to skip the lessons. However, now I realize
that most my teachers were real experts at their
job. There was no fault of theirs it was
because of my genetics. You see, my father used
to be a famous truant in his childhood, my
grandfather used to be the same truant, and so am
I. The director told off my unfortunate teachers
for nothing
125. Writing a Conclusion
Summarize all the information and state what is
more important nature or nurture. You may also
say that both genetics and environment form a
humans personality.
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