Title: Auto Dealer Tricks
1Most Common Auto Dealer Tricks
The Margarian Law Firm
- Though there are honest auto dealers out there
too however, practice shows that most auto
dealers try to cheat the potential buyers and rip
them off by practicing various dealer tricks. - The main motive/reason for misrepresenting a
vehicle is to get more money from the customer.
3Credit Score Trick
- The scenario is the following
- The dealer tells you that with your credit score
you may not qualify for car financing - Sometimes, they will even say that your credit
score is too low, when in reality it is not - Then they will ask you to pay higher interest
rates - Tip To avoid being cheated, learn your credit
score before visiting the dealership. - Learn more here http//dealerfraud.org/know-credi
4Monthly Payment Trick
The scenario is simple the dealer tries to fix
the buyers attention on the monthly payment
They may tell you, you can pay 350 a month. But
they will never mention about the 60 months you
will be paying the money.
60 months is TOO MUCH for buying a car.
Tip Negotiate the car price, not the monthly
5Spot Delivery Trick
- Some dealers let the customers take the vehicle
home instantly. - But a few days later they call back to inform
that the financing fell through. - This trick is being practiced to make you sign
another contract with higher interest rates. - Tip Avoid financing a vehicle with the
dealership. You can turn to a bank or a credit
union instead.
6Urging You to Purchase a Demo Car
Demo cars are not as good as fresh new ones!
Didnt you know that? Next time a dealer
suggests you buy a demo car instead of a new one,
just leave the dealership!
7Incomplete Paperwork
The dealer tells you they will complete the
paperwork later on. When you leave, the
salesperson indicates a higher car price, not the
one negotiated upon. Tip Never drive away
without the paperwork completed.
8Window Etching
- Window etching is usually done to protect
vehicles from being stolen. The process involves
sticking the cars VIN to the window. Some
dealers charge up to 1000 for window etching. - Tip Just go to a car shop and buy a window
etching kit for 50 and do the work yourself.
9Offering an Extended Warranty
If the dealer tells you that you must buy an
extended warranty, otherwise the car loan will
not be approved, then its a dirty dealer trick.
For more visit here http//dealerfraud.org/car-ex
10Non-disclosure of Odometer Rollback
Some auto dealers sell vehicles even if they know
that the odometer has been rolled back to show
less mileage.
Tip In order to avoid odometer fraud, read the
article http//dealerfraud.org/to-avoid-odometer-
11Non-disclosure of Lemon Law Buyback
If the dealer fails to inform the buyer that the
vehicle they are going to buy is a Lemon Law
buyback, it means the dealer is practicing
fraud. Tip Always check a cars Vehicle History
Report before you buy it.
12The Margarian Law Firm
- Areas of Practice of the Margarian Law Firm
include - Auto Dealer Fraud
- California Lemon Law
- Class Action Lawsuits
- Legal Malpractice
- Medical Malpractice
- Personal Injury
- Criminal Defense
- Workers Compensation
13The Margarian Law Firm
- Areas of Practice of the Margarian Law Firm
include - Business Law
- Employment Law
- Real Estate Law
- Family Law
- Estate Planning
- Bankruptcy Law
- Immigration Law
14The Margarian Law Firm
Full service California based law firm.We can
offer you a free phone consultation at (818)
553-1000 Address 801 N Brand Blvd, Ste
210 Glendale, CaliforniaWebsite
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