Title: An Overview on 3D Printing Ecosystem
13D Printing Ecosystem An Overview
3D printing has taken the world by storm. Huge
amount of innovation and development has been
seen lately in the industry of 3D
printing. What 3D printing can do these
days is very surprising and tells us how much
our technology has advanced. Let us try and
understand the 3D
ecosystem. Elements of the 3D Printing
Ecosystem Understanding the elements of 3D
printing will help us to understand what it
really is. Here are
the components Design This is what the users Hard
ware The machines
of do to make that help
3D printing.
products out of 3D making this
printers. possible.
Materials The raw materials that are used to
make the 3D printing products. The elements can
include metal, ceramic, plastic or any other material.
Software The software that routes the data to the machines.
2The 3D printing
potential has the
of 3D potential to change
printing everything
- The goal of 3D printing is to print
multiple materials from one machine in
order to attain multiple properties for
one object or design. The new
advancement in 3D printing is
Mesostructure. Mesostructure helps you get more
value out of a single material, instead of
relying on different materials for different
performance-specific properties. Just one
machine and just one material. This makes 3D
designing more easy and flexible, opening new
frontiers in design. - How to make
3D printing
more advanced? - Innovation goes waste without accessibility. 3D
printing must be made more accessible to people. - Modularity is important for engaging
applications and for leveraging a wider
suite of materials. - A proper direction is required for the
industry to advance. We must aim to apply
the technology where
it works
the best. - Have you been able to access 3D printing? Let us
know in the comments.
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