Title: CMGT 441 Potential Instructors / tutorialrank.com
1 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
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2 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
CMGT 441 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP Course)
CJA 374Entire Course (UOP)
CMGT 441 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP Course) CMGT 441 Week 1
DQ 2 (UOP Course) CMGT 441 Week 2 Individual
Assignment Information Security Paper (UOP
Course) CMGT 441 Week 2 DQ 1 (UOP Course) CMGT
441 Week 2 DQ 2 (UOP Course) CMGT 441 Week 3
Individual Assignment Attack Prevention Paper
(UOP Course) CMGT 441 Week 3 DQ 1 (UOP
Course) CMGT 441 Week 3 DQ 2 (UOP Course) CMGT
441 Week 4 Individual Assignment McBride
Financial Policy Paper (UOP Course)
Discuss what makes a successful information
security awareness program and how a security
awareness program can be one of an organizations
most powerful protection strategies
3 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
CMGT 441 Week 2 Individual Assignment Information
Security Paper (UOP Course)
CMGT 441 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP Course)
As you know, every company should have some
security standards and policies. What are some
of the policies that your company has to protect
its system and data?
Evaluative Writing Paper - Using various Internet
sources, find an article or website on an
information security topic that is of interest to
you. Prepare a 1-2 page paper evaluating the
article or website.
4 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
CMGT 441 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 (UOP Course)
CMGT 441 Week 2 Discussion Question 2 (UOP Course)
Whats data value mean? How does a company
determine its data value and based on what
What are some of the security areas that need to
be protected? How does the security toolbox
concept relate to them?
5 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
CMGT 441 Week 3 Discussion Question 2
CMGT 441 Week 3 Discussion Question 1
What do you think of e-mail observation by
companies on their employees communication? Is
this considered an invasion of an employees
Mention some of the technologies that are used by
businesses to protect their data?
6 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
CMGT 441 Week 4 Individual Assignment McBride
Financial Policy Paper (UOP Course)
CMGT 441 Week 3 Individual Assignment Attack
Prevention Paper (UOP Course)
McBride Financial Services Paper - Createand
submit a 2-3 page security policy for McBride
Financial Services, located in the Virtual
Organizations. Develop a policy based on
perceived needs associated within the loan
department and issues in implementing online loan
applications.Please follow APA formatting
Combine your individual answers from Structured
Exercise 7-5 in Ch. 7 of Managing Police
Organizations into one summary with your Learning
Team. Create a list of recommendations for
coping with excessive stress based on the
practices of your team members. Format your
paper consistent with APA 6th Edition guidelines.
7 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
CMGT 441 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 (UOP Course)
CMGT 441 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 (UOP Course)
Discuss the role of politics in criminal justice
organizations. Are politics critical to these
organizations? If so, how should they be
As hackers keep thinking of new ways to attack
systems, what are some of the tools that you
would (or are) taking to protect your system?
8 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
CMGT 441 Week 5 Team Assignment Information
Systems Security Review Paper and Presentation
(Riordan) (UOP Course)
CMGT 441 Week 5 Discussion Question 1
Every business may have internal and external
security threats. What are some of the internal
security concerns that a company can face and why
are they greater than the threats from the
Finalize and submit an 8-10 page Learning Team
paper. Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentati
on. Please follow APA formatting guidelines.
9 CMGT 441 potential Instructors / tutorialrank
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