Title: Wood Floor Sanding (1)
1Welcome to Acorn Floor Sanding
One-stop destination for your floor sanding needs
Why Us?
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Services we Offer
About Us
3About Us
We Acorn Floor Sanding made our advent in the
floor sanding industry years ago, and we have
consistently thrived in our capacity and
workmanship alike, over the tenure so far. We
specialize in all types of floor sanding,
polishing, restoration and repairs.
4Services we offer
- Hardwood sanding and finishing
- Softwood sanding and finishing
- Parquet sanding and finishing
- Block sanding
- Repairing dents, cracks and splits
- Replacing damaged boards
- Refinishing in oil, lacquer or wood stain
5Why Us?
Its our prerogative to use the best quality
products and cutting-edge techniques that enable
us to fetch maximum customer satisfaction, and
we strive hard to achieve all the set goals in
customers interest with flying colours.
6Thankyou! Visit us www.acornfloorsanding.co.uk