Title: Original_Medical_ Presented of Broucher Furnitures
1Original Medical Equipment
C o m p a n y Pv t. L td .
Y o u r O r i g i n a l S o u r c e
2C O M PAN Y PR O FI LE OMLTM is fruit of
honest effort, aimed at providing world
class products in medical health equipment
sector. The company is engaged in manufacture and
distribution of a wide range of critical items
that are used in setting up of medical
infrastructure as well as surgical and non
surgical needs of those who require medical
assistance. OMLTM adheres to the age old wisdom
captured in the saying Pratham Sukh, Nirogi
Kaya. The company is completely engaged in the
entire product life cycle associated with this
important field. The company instils best
practices in manufacturing and also pays complete
heed to new trends in health care equipment
design and special needs of market. The company
is managed by a team that has hands on experience
in every sphere of activity that is required to
keep pace with dynamics associated with this
field. It has dedicated team of professionals who
are equally adept in domestics well as export
market. It has special unity of purpose, catering
to the rural outposts and providing best at most
affordable price. The company has expertise in
catering to needs of private labels also and has
all the necessary certifications to start with.
It is fully geared to cater this unique clientele
where stiff norms and equally stiff delivery
schedules are norm than exception.
Vi s i o n The core belief of OMLTM is,
Producing highest quality at most satisfying
value OMLTM conducts itself with single
minded pursuit of trust between
stakeholders. OMLTM is solely driven by
endeavour to deliver value at all cost. OMLTM
dedicates itself to create space for
itself in maddening crowd of medical
equipment market. OMLTM sees itself as paragon
of honesty by selling value products aimed at
those who need it most.
Mi ss i o n St a t e m e n t Ensuring total
costomer satisfaction is our motto which we
strive to achive through conituous improvement
in production process, and ungrading the
manufacturing system in line with
technological development, doing things right the
very first time, and deliverying quality products
through optimum resources development. We will
serve our society aiming to upgrade health care
services and providing patients and doctors with
latest and highest medical services quality
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