Title: Better Than Drugs
1Better Than Drugs
How To Serve. So now you see how beneficial this
fruit is, how can you serve it?Try it sliced and
fresh for a delicious sweet treat, or consider
adding several cubes into a bowl of Greek yogurt.
Pineapple also works great with coconut flakes
sprinkled on top, so you can grill up one or two
slices and then top with coconut if desired.So,
as you can see, it is one fruit not to miss out
on. Keep your portion controlled and you can
definitely include it as part of your diabetic
eating plan.Although managing your disease can be
very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a
condition you must just live with. You can make
simple changes to your daily routine and lower
both your weight and your blood sugar levels.
Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier
it gets.
2Better Than Drugs
Pat, a lady I used to work with, always
complained of her legs feeling numb. She always
walked slowly, saying it was painful. She talked
frequently about her symptoms of sugar diabetes.
She had to leave work early on several occasions
due to incontinence. She had been diagnosed with
Type 1 diabetes when she was seventeen.Pat also
made frequent visits to her optometrist. You see,
when your blood sugar is very high or even very
low, water from the body gets pulled into the
lens of the eye which causes it to swell, and
causes your vision to blur.Pat's condition,
however, was somewhat worse than that. Having
ignored her symptoms of sugar diabetes for so
long, permanent damage to her retina had taken
3Better Than Drugs
High blood sugar causes the blood vessels in the
retina to become thin and weak, forming tiny
pouches called micro-aneurisms. Sometimes these
areas leak into the retina, causing permanent
vision impairment, even blindness.Another outcome
if left untreated is retinopathy. This occurs
when the blood flow to the retina is blocked.
This can cause the retina to become detached, and
usually leads to permanent blindness.Pat also
complained about how slow her wounds would heal.
This is one of the more dangerous symptoms of
sugar diabetes, in that it creates more
opportunities for infection to take place.
4Better Than Drugs
When your blood sugar is high, your blood vessels
become narrower, meaning they can carry less
oxygen and nutrients to the wound. This also
lessens the ability of the white blood cells to
fight off infection. The Diabetes Escape Plan
Review Sometimes diabetics have less feeling in
the affected area and blisters and other
complications can form without their being aware
of the fact and reporting it to their doctor.
This can delay treatment and cause the situation
to worsen rather quickly.Still another of the
dangerous symptoms of sugar diabetes is a numb or
tingling sensation, typically in your legs, feet,
and toes. Some diabetics feel this as a sharp,
jabbing pain that affects them more severely at
night. These symptoms occur because the nerves in
the body are being damaged. This is called
neuropathy. http//www.enriqueiglesias.com/profile
5Better Than Drugs
How To Serve. So now you see how beneficial this
fruit is, how can you serve it?Try it sliced and
fresh for a delicious sweet treat, or consider
adding several cubes into a bowl of Greek yogurt.
Pineapple also works great with coconut flakes
sprinkled on top, so you can grill up one or two
slices and then top with coconut if desired.So,
as you can see, it is one fruit not to miss out
on. Keep your portion controlled and you can
definitely include it as part of your diabetic
eating plan.Although managing your disease can be
very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a
condition you must just live with. You can make
simple changes to your daily routine and lower
both your weight and your blood sugar levels.
Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier
it gets.