Title: Costs of Tooth Whitening
1Costs of Tooth Whitening
2The costs of tooth whitening can vary widely,
according to who performs it (do-it-yourself vs.
professional), the time required to achieve best
results (one hour vs. several weeks), the methods
used (toothpaste vs LASER), and also the
condition of the teeth themselves as well as
lifestyle choices. it goes without saying, tooth
whitening could be an uphill battle for triple
espresso lovers!
3Laser whitening and light-activated bleaching sit
at the top end of the scale, both which can cost
upwards of 1,000 or more, but the results are
almost instantaneous, create a more dramatic
change in appearance, and can last a much longer
time than other methods.
4Alternatively, there are also less pricey
toothpastes, gels, and other bleaching products
which can wipe away superficial stains, and many
are available as off-the-counter products at your
local retailer. There are two categories of
whitening methods, with or without bleaches
51. Bleach-free procedures get rid of surface
stains by acting with chemical or physical means
to lift away surface stains. This also includes
the annual cleaning by your hygienist or dentist,
in which they abrade and polish your teeth to get
rid of the top-level stains typically caused by
tobacco use intense foods. Virtually any
toothpaste available uses mild abrasion as well
to keep your teeth bright between visits to the
dentist. Specially-formulated whitening
toothpastes utilize a chemical or polishing agent
which can provide an additional degree of stain
62. Bleaching procedures alter the natural color
of your teeth, typically as much as five or even
seven shades brighter than before! Carbamide
peroxide or hydrogen peroxide is the active
"bleaching" agent, usually in concentrations from
10 to 22, which will get into the surface
enamel to remove all but the most deep, stubborn
stains. Whether you opt for chairside whitening
(in-office), or tray whitening (at home), keep in
mind that both rely on bleaching. Herein lies the
significant cost differences between the two
7 Those products you might find at your local
pharmacy include whitening strips, boil and bite
trays, and brush-on whitening gels, from prices
ranging from as little as 10.00 to about 45.00.
8 Custom-fitted mouth devices created by your
dentist for in-home bleaching will run
approximately 300, and you typically wear it for
several hours during the day or overnight for a
couple of weeks. Any new staining which is
noticed can be lifted by just another session of
wearing the mouthpiece for a night or two.
9 The specialized light-activated whitening
session in a dentist's office, oftentimes
referred to as "chairside" bleaching, will cost
500 or more, but offers instant results in
instantly brighter, whiter teeth. The effect is
also the most durable - however, your teeth will
become stained again after 12 to 18 months of a
normal eating and drinking routine (tea, sauces,
coffee). You'll have to schedule an appointment
and pay the 500 each time to restore the
brilliant whitening effect again.
10Reactions to different whitening techniques vary
from one individual to the next. Severe
discoloration such as from long-term tobacco use,
or certain medicines may cause staining that
cannot be removed effectively.
11Such situation may require structural cosmetic
improvements such as bonding or different types
of veneers to restore a whiter, brighter smile.
Many others do quite well with whitening
toothpastes, and will be pleased with the
results. Contact your friendly professional
dentist or hygienist for a consult and determine
the best solution for you.