Title: Vehicle Insurance in India
1Vehicle Insurance
2Vehicle Insurance in India
General information on taking out an insurance
policy in India, with details on insuring a
vehicle and making a claim The central
governments Motor Vehicles Act (1988) states
that automobile insurance is compulsory for all
vehicle owners. A valid copy of an owners
insurance policy must be kept in the car at all
times. As a result, car manufacturers have
formed partnerships with leading insurance
providers. Vehicle owners can get instant quotes
for car insurance premiums by filling out a
simple questionnaire at a car dealership or at an
insurance providers website.
3Generally, automobile insurance is comprehensive
in India and policies are comparable with those
in other countries. They cover damages to a car
due to man-made or natural causes. Vehicle
Insurance policies will also have accident
coverage to protect the driver and
passengers. Car insurance usually
provides Coverage for loss or damage as a
result of accidents, fire, lightning,
self-ignition, external explosion,
burglary/theft or other malicious
acts Liability for third-party injury/death,
third-party property damage and liability to a
hired driver
4Additional premiums can be purchased to cover
loss and damage to electrical/electronic
accessories in the car. However, automobile
insurance does not include Consequential loss,
depreciation, mechanical and electrical
breakdown, failure or breakage Coverage for
when a vehicle is used outside of India (claims
from other countries cannot be transferred or
filed) Damage or loss caused by war, nuclear
weapons or drunk driving Source
6To know more visit http//www.bajajallianz.com/C
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