Title: Ergonomic Office Chairs (1)
1Ikcon Office Fitout Furniture
2Ergonomic Office Chairs
The ergonomic office chairs are the best task
chairs that one can buy. The different variety of
ergonomic task chairs are Biella, Bodyline,
Breathe super heavy duty, Delta premier, Enzo,
Lerici, Lucca, Milano, Parisi, Roma and Tren
executive task chairs.
3Modern Office Furniture
The choice of modern office furniture will
determine the level of comfort that your
employees will enjoy. Choose a design that will
play a key role in the comfort as well as the
productivity of your employees.
4Office Furniture Australia
Ikcon Office Fitout Furniture offers a wide
range of interior products at an affordable
range. For the past many years, we have been
catering clients of government, education,
industrial and commercial businesses throughout
5Demountable Office Partitions
At Ikcon we supply a range of demountable office
partitions. You are sure to find something for
your office in our comprehensive range.
6Ergonomic Office Furniture
Ikcon Office Fitout and Furniture is one of the
leading distributors and suppliers of ergonomic
office furniture. We offer our best services in
Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
7Contact Us
Ikcon Office Fitout Furniture
19 Middle St, PO Box 442 Cleveland QLD 4163
(07) 3821 1662