Title: Sleeve Gastrectomy California
1Afshin Eslami, Obesity surgeon - Find info about
obesity surgery procedures, weight loss treatment
and laparoscopic surgery.
For more details, visit http//www.slimlifesoluti
2Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
Laparoscopic Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass
Here a small stomach pouch is created to restrict
food intake. Next, a Y-shaped section of the
small intestine is attached to the pouch to allow
food to bypass the lower stomach, the duodenum
(the first segment of the small intestine), and
the first portion of the jejunum (the second
segment of the small intestine).
For more details, visit http//www.slimlifesoluti
Obesity is emerging as a health epidemic around
the world. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, obesity is rapidly
spreading across all regions and demographic
Gastric bypass California
Sleeve Gastrectomy
For more details, visit http//www.slimlifesoluti
4Contact slimlifesolutions.com
7501 Hospital Drive Suite 305 Sacramento, CA
95823 Tele (916) 423-2022 Fax (916)
681-0673 E-mail info_at_slimlifesolutions.com Websi
te www.slimlifesolutions.com
Thank You
For more details, visit http//www.slimlifesoluti