Title: 9 Precious Gemstones and Their Planets
19 Precious Gemstones And Their Planets
Presented By- 9Gem.com
2Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
This Stone is related to the planet Jupiter.
Wearing this stone can bequeath quick wealth to
its user.
3Blue Sapphire Gemstone
The Blue color gemstone is worn to control the
negative energy of Saturn and to bring quick
4Ruby Gemstone
Ruby gemstone or manik stone in Hindi relates
with monarch of universe sun. It is conferred to
open the door of happiness, wealth, luck.
5Pearl Gemstone
The white color pearl or moti gemstone is related
with the potent planet Moon. This stone is also
conferred being the stone of moon due to its
auspicious association with the planet moon.
6Red Coral Gemstone
The red coral or moonga stone is related to
control the negative energy of mars planet.
7Hessonite Gemstone
Hessonite gemstone or gomedh stone in Hindi is
related with the vengeful planet Rahu which
encompasses extreme strength to create either
positive or negative results in the life of a
8Cats Eye Gemstone
Cats eye gemstone the gemstone of planet ketu
describes to bring spirituality, sudden wealth,
luck, avert gloom and depression.
9Emerald Gemstone
Emerald gemstone or panna stone is related with
the dominant planet Mercury which signifies
wisdom, intellect, love and prosperity.
10Thank You