Title: Detailed Information About Duplex Stainless Steel
1Detailed Information About Duplex Stainless Steel
2Duplex Stainless Steel has a dual making of
ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. The
composition is roughly divided into a perfect
half. It has the austenitic islands and those are
surrounded by blue ferritic phase. When the steel
melts, there is a transformation into solid
ferritic structure from a liquid state. Click
here now for more information about Stainless
steel tube.
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4The duplex steels have high corrosive resistant
properties that pertain to environments with
Chlorine and Sulphur content. There is no
cracking resulting from stress corrosion and
industries rely on such products for hardcore
usage. Chromium protects the steel from corrosion
at high temperatures ranging up to 300 degree C.
At a low temperature, they have great ductility
and work well down to -50 degree C. In case the
steel needs to be hardened, solution treatment
has to be opted for. This is done by drastic
cooling after heating up the steel in a
temperature of 1100 degree C.
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6Standard welding processes work well with Duplex
stainless steel. Although it is not as easy as
welding the austenitic grades, but low thermal
expansion reduces distortion and stress. This
category of stainless steel has lower price and
greater strength- making it an ideal choice for
industries related to Marine, Chemicals, Oil and
Gas, Pulp and Paper, etc.