Title: Saraiya Pllc Law Firm (1)
1Saraiya Pllc Law Firm
2We Are Here To Serve Our Clients
Saraiya PLLC attorneys bring years of experience
and knowledge to their clientslegal matters They
draw on this vast reserve of knowledge
3We Are A Team
Our unique combination of a strong local presence
and the resources of a privately held law firm
enables us to advise clients on a wide range of
matters, including commercial litigation.
4Our Services
Business Operation
Probate Law
Business Formation
Our experience with larger corporate firms has
led us to believe an outstanding attorney-client
relationship is best achieved one-on-one. With a
personal yet professional approach to
communication, we are able to keep our clients
involved in all aspects of our process.
5Contact Us
Christopher Hamm Attorney
Bimal Saraiya Founder/Attorney
Rachel Crist Paralegal
Saraiya Pllc 7160 Preston Road Suite 100 Plano,
TX 75024