Title: Addiction Rehab – Getting To Know Your Options
1Addiction Rehab Getting To Know Your Options
2Do you know what kind of situation will you face
when you enter a drug rehabilitation center? It
is indeed difficult to know everything about
something when you are in a hurry and desperate
to get help. This is when you might make the
wrong decisions and end up beating yourself for
the mess you are in. Drug rehabilitation is
similar to the scenario explained above and if
you do not choose the right treatment for
yourself, you will definitely end up spending a
lot more time in the rehab than expected.
3- You will have one of the two options. You can
either opt for an - In-Patient Addiction Rehab
- or
- OutpatientAddictionRehab
- The last survey conducted by the SAMHSA
(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration) reports over 8.9 million U.S.
adults being affected by co-occurring substance
abuse and mental health issues.
4The most preferred option is in-patient addiction
rehabilitation, since it changes the environment
avoiding the triggers that tempt people of going
back towards substance abuse. It also helps
minimize the chances of social interaction, which
might contribute to the problem.
5- Do you know what medications are commonly
prescribed for different addictions? Here are a
few - The number of prescriptions filled in 2012 was 9
million of Suboxone, which is now the most widely
available medications for opioid dependency. - The medications widely used for alcohol
dependency include Vivitrol, ReVia (Naltrexone),
Antabuse (Disulfriam) and Campral (Acamprosate).
6The Hills Drug Rehabilitation Center is your
ideal option for in-patient treatmentif you want
to know more, visit www.thehillscenter.com.
7Thank you by http//www.thehillscenter.com/
The Hills Treatment Center 8207 Mulholland Drive,
Los Angeles, California Zip Code90046 USA PH9004