Title: ord
1Optical Rotatory Dispersion
Presented by, -
Sujit R. Patel, -
Dept. Of Pharmaceutics, -
M.M.C.P. ,Belgaum.
- Fundamentals Of ORD.
- Optical Rotatory Dispersion.
- Cotton Effect.
- The ORD Curve.
- Circular Dichroism.
- Octant Rule.
- ORD refers to the change in optical rotation
with the change in wavelength of light source.
i.e. applied only in optically active compounds. -
- Optical rotation caused by compound changed with
wavelength of light was first noted by Biot in
1817. - ORD curves in recent years are made use in
structural determination by comparing the curve
obtain from compound believed to have related
structures particularly applied to carbonyl
4 Natural Light?
- Natural light is having two components
electric component and magnetic component,
and both are perpendicular to each other
in different planes. - Both these electric component and magnetic
components are also perpendicular to the
direction of propagation of light. -
6Types of polarized light?
- Linear or plane polarized light.
- Circular polarized light.
- Elliptically polarized light.
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8Plane polarized light?
- A polarized light vibrating in a single plane
perpendicular to the direction of propagation is
called plane polarised light. - A light wave is characterized by an electric
field vector E and a magnetic field vector H
which are perpendicular to each other and in
phase. The two vectors are also perpendicular to
the direction of propogation.
9Circularly polarized light-
- When vibration of light are along a circle lying
in a plane perpendicular to the direction of
propagation the light is called circular
polarized light. - Represent a wave in which the electrical
component the magnetic component spirals around
the direction of propagation (vibration) of the
ray, either clockwise (or right handed or
dextrorotatory.) OR counterclockwise (or left
handed or levorotary).
10Circularly polarized light?
- Linearly polarized light can be regarded as the
resultant of two equal and opposite beams of
circularly polarized light i.e.., as a
combination of left and right circularly
polarized light.
11Circularly polarized light?
12Elliptically polarized light?
- When vibration are along a ellipse lying in a
plane perpendicular to the direction of
propagation the light is called elliptically
polarized light
13 Eliptical Polarised Light-
14Circular Birefringence?
- The difference in indices of refraction for right
circularly polarized light (RCPL) left
circularly polarized light (LCPL) is know as
circular birefringence.
15In practice we measure the specific rotation
- The specific rotation of a chemical compound a
is defined as the observed angle of optical
rotation a when plane-polarized light is passed
through a sample with a path length of 1
decimeter and a sample concentration of 1 gram
per 1 millilitre -
- where,
- a Angle of Rotation in degrees
- l path length is in decimeters
- d density of liquid is in g 100 / ml 1
- TTemperature.
16- A negative value means levorotatory rotation and
a positive value means dextrorotatory rotation. - Some examples
- Sucrose 66.47
- cholesterol -31.5
- Camphor 44.26
- Penicilin V 223
- Any liquid or solution, when placed in a
magnetic field , rotates the plane of polarized
light because of the effect of magnetic field
upon the motion of electrons in the molecule. - INDEX OF REFRACTION (?) -
- The ratio of
velocity of ray of light in vacuum (c) to its
velocity in medium (v) i.e. ? C/V - Small differences in the refractive indices for
right left circularly polarized light cause an
appreciable rotation of the plane polarized light.
18- Optical activity -
- Ability to rotate plane
of polarized light . - Optically active compound -
- Certain organic compound when placed in
a path of a plain polarized light, it rotates the
plain polarized light through a certain angle.
This property of the compound to rotate plane
polarized light is called optical activity. For
a compound to be optically active, it must be
chiral in nature(Asymmetric character).
19- Optical activity is not seen in symmetrical
molecules due to equal rotation in opposite
directions getting cancelled. The isomer that
rotates the plane of polarization to the left is
called levo isomer (-) and to the right is called
dextro isomer (). - To be optically active , a molecule must not
possessed any one of following symmetry elements
- 1) Centre of symmetry
- 2) Plane of symmetry
- 3) An Proper axis
- The specific rotation a changes with wavelength
is called optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) . - OR
- The rate of change of specific rotation with
wavelength is called Optical rotatory dispersion
(ORD) . -
- The rate of change of specific rotation with
wavelength is known as optical rotary dispersion
. - Drude has shown that the specific rotation may be
expressed as a function of wavelength by an
equation, - a k1 k2
k3 ----- - ?2 ?12 ?2 ?22
?2 ?23 - where
- ?- Wavelength of measurement
- k1,k2 ,k3 constants that can be identified with
the wavelength of maximum absorption of optically
active absorption bands.
23The ORD curve?
Specific Rotation a
Wavelength ?
24- From graph,
- A-Represents the plain positive ORD curve
- The
specific Rotation increases with decreasing
wavelength. - B Represents the plain negative ORD curve
- Plain implies that there exist no maximum or
minima in the curve.
- The combination of circular birefringence
and circular dichroism in which the optically
active bands are observed , such phenomenon
called as cotton effect. - Optically active bands are absorption bands of
the chromophores which are either intrinsically
asymmetric or which becomes asymmetric because of
the interaction with asymmetric environment. - E.g.. 1) Hexahelicene molecule which itself act
as chromophore. - 2) Carbonyl group which is symmetric but becomes
optically active in an asymmetric environment.
26 Types Of ORD Curves-
- They are of two types
- 1) Plain curves
- 2) Anamolous curves
- a) Single cotton effect curves
- b) Multiple cotton effect curves
27Plain curves (Normal smooth curves or single
curves )
- The curves obtained do not contain any peak and
that curve do not cross the zero rotation line - Such waves are obtained for compounds which do
not have absorption in the wavelength region
where optical activity is being examined - E.g. .compounds exhibiting such plane curves are
alcohols and hydrocarbons
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29Anamolous curves?
- These curve on the other hand shows a number of
extreme peaks and troughs depending on the number
of absorbing groups and therefore known as
anomolous dispersion of optical rotation. - This type of curve is obtained for compounds
,which contain an asymmetric carbon atom and also
contains chromophore.
30Single cotton effect curves?
- These are anomolous dispersion curves which shows
maximum and minimum both of them occurring in the
region of maximum absorption. - If an approaching the region of cotton effect
from the long wavelength ,one passes first
through maximum (peak) and then a minimum
(trough) ,the cotton effect said to be positive .
(Positive Cotton effect is where the peak is at a
higher wavelength than the trough).
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32- If the trough is reached first and the peak it is
called a negative cotton effect curves.
33- The vertical distance between peak and
trough is called amplitude a and is convently
expressed in hundreds of degrees. - Molecular amplitude, a ?2 - ?1
- 100
- Where,
- ?2 molar rotation of extreme peak or trough
from large wavelength. - ?1 - molar rotation of extreme peak or trough
from shorter wavelength.
34Multiple cotton effect curves?
- In this type of curves two or more peaks and
trough are obtained . - E.g. functional group i.e. Ketosteriods ,
Camphor etc exhibits such curves .
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36Circular Dichroism?
- Some materials posses special properties of
absorption of the left circulary polarised light
to different extent than the right circularly
polarised light.This phenomenon is called as
circularly dichroism. - The electric field of a light beam causes a
linear displacement of charge when interacting
with a molecule, whereas the magnetic field of it
causes a circulation of charge. - These two motions combined result in a helical
displacement when light impinges on a molecule
(both field vectors in the same place are of the
same direction but at different moments of time).
- The magnitude of circular dichroism is expressed
by the ellipticiy.
38Instrument used in CD?
- An ordinary spectrophotometer can be adapted to
measure circular dichroism. It is only necessary
to provide some means of production r and l
circularly polarized radiation. - For this purpose a plane polarized beam can be
passed through a quartz-wave plate. If the plate
is rotated from -45o to 45o , first r and l
circularly polarized light is produced
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spectrum of a protein can provide a information
about the relative amounts of the major types of
secondary structure within the protein in
solution. CD spectra of the a-helix ß
conformation and the random coil of poly-L-amino
acids are distinctly different form each other.
a single stranded nucleic acid may be calculated
fairly accurately form a knowledge of its nearest
neighbor frequency. Thus any differences between
the calculated and measured CD spectrum must be
due to variation in structure, such as
double-strandness. The CD spectra are frequently
used to study changes in the structure of nucleic
acids such as the los of helicity of single
stranded nucleic acids as a function of
temperature or pH structural changes on binding
cation and proteins.
ORD is If the refractive indices of the sample for the left and right handed polarized light are different, when the components are recombined , the plane polarized radiation will be rotated through and angle a Circular dichroism is the differential absorption of left and right handed circularly polarized light
ORD spectra are dispersive CD spectra are absorptive
In ORD the circular polarized light is used is not converted to elliptical light In CD the circular polarized lgiht is used and is converted to elliptical light
ORD graphs are obtained by plotting specific rotation vs wavelength CD graphs are obtained by ploting molar ellipticity vs wavelength.
42Octant Rule
- The octant rule was first formulated by Moffitt
et al for correlation of the sign of the cotton
effect of chiral cylohexanone derivatives with
their absolute configration. - The space around carbonyl group is divided into
eight sector about x,y,z axis. - This rule only applies to substituted
43- It states that atoms lying on the back upper left
and back lower right, then octant make positive
contribution. (Positive rotation). - If groups on back upper right and back lower left
then the octants make negative contribution.
(Negative rotation). - Substituents lying in the co-ordinate planes make
no contribution to the rotatory dispersion.
44Axial and equatorial group Positivie cotton effect
Axial and equatorial group negativie cotton effect
Axial and equatorial group negative cotton effect
Axial and equatorial group positive cotton effect
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- If an optically active chromophore takes part
in a reaction the extent of the reaction can
sometimes be followed by observing the reduction
of the cotton effect. - Eg- if hydrochloric acid is added to a solution
of () 3-methylcyclehexanone in methanol, the
cotton effect gets reduced by 93 because of
dimethy ketal formation.In alcohol only 33
reduction and in isopropyl alcohol there occurs
no reduction.
47- Determination of position of keto group and the
confrigration of ring system in a sterodial
ketone of unknown constitution. - Study of conformational changes
- when molecule exist in more than one
confirmation in solution, each conformer will
have its own ORD or CD curve and the sign and
magnitude of the cotton effect will change with
the change of conformer population, caused either
by a change of solvent polarity or by a change in
- Chetwal GR Anand SK, Instrumental method of
chemical analysis, 5TH edition page no-
2.468-2.481. - Kalsi PS, Spectroscopy Of Organic Compounds, New
age international limited, sixth edition611-627. - Jag Mohan, Organic Spectroscopy Principles And
Applications, Narosa publishing hose482-496.
- D. Sharma BK, Instrumental method of chemical
analysis, - 26TH edition-M-286 to M-307.
- What is meant by ORD ? Discuss the principle and
application of ORD .(Nov 98). - What is optical rotatory dispersion how is it
useful in characterization of substances.(Jul
98). - ORD Circular Dicroism.(2000).
- Cotton effect .(2004).
- Note on the principle application of ORD
Circular Dicroism .(2004,Oct 08).
- 6. Write an account on fundamental principles of
ORD.(2005). - Explain Circular Dicroism.(2006).
- Describe the instrumentation used for measuring
circular dichroism.(Oct 09). - Explain the phenomena of optical rotation
circular polarization. Giving a schematic
diagram, write about an ORD instrument. What are
the applications of ORD CD.(May 10 12).