Title: Four basic elements of google analytics.
1Four Basic Elements of Google Analytics
2Four Basic Elements of Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the most used and largest
statistical service that is provided by
google.com/analytics. Visitors The first basic
element of Google Analytics is visitors that
include the number of page views, unique visitors
as compare to potential visitors and number of
visitors. Traffic Sources It refers that how
visitors come to websites e.g. through search
engines, direct or referral. Goals or Outcomes
Different types of funnel analysis and rating
values are used to get outcomes. Content This
forth-basic element consists of website content,
top entry and navigation paths.
3Four Basic Elements of Google Analytics
4All these four basic elements of Google Analytics
play a great role in the construction of
statistical and analytical data. On the other
hand, the reliability and authenticity of these
elements is also very essential to get perfect
results. Lashaunda Cabam PR at