Title: Fusion Splicer
1Fusion Splicing The Simple Welding Process for
Optic cables
2Optic fibre cables have changed the way we see at
our electronics these days. While the fibre optic
cables are virtually flawless, sometimes it
becomes necessary to break the lines and rejoin
at certain places. We have heard how a glass once
shattered cant be fixed back. Well, the optics
fibre cables that are made of glass materials are
an impressive exception to this fact. The fibre
optic cables can actually be joined at ends using
a special process called Fusion Splicing.
3When to use Fusion splicing technique?
Fusion splicers are used to join the ends of two
fibre optics. It is usually done by using an
electric arc tip. Modern technologies employ
laser welding techniques too for a more clear
fusion splicing amalgamation. The fusion splicing
method is used in following conditions
o When a certain part of the fibre cable breaks
or cracks o When the fibre cable portion creates
undue resistance to the flow of data or
electricity o When the length of the layout is
supposed to be enhanced to connect more points
4Why use fusion splicing?
Fusion splicing is the most cost-effective
technique used to join two or more fibre optic
cables without damaging their physical
attributes. Fusion splicing is done due to the
following advantages It has 100 per cent
reliability It prevents loss of data due to
joining barriersIt offers least order of
reflectanceThe Fusion splicing ensures highest
order of strength and durability It is
applicable for both single mode fibre optic
cables as well as the multimode ones.
5Difference between Single Mode and Multimode
All single mode fibre optic cables are actually
connected using fusion spicing. When it comes to
linking two multi-mode fibre optic wires, the
fusion splicing technique becomes a little tough.
The fusion splicing in multimode optic cables is
harder owing to the larger core diameter and the
multiple layers of glass that creates a gradient
profile. Fusion splicing for multimode cables is
costlier and more sophisticated as the process
involves the matching of the individual gradient
of each of the inner layers.
6Types of Fusion Splicing
Based on the volume of cables joined, there are
two types of Fusion splicing methods for optic
cables. They are  Single Fibre Fusion Splicing
(Usually for Single mode cables)Â Â Â Ribbon
splicing (For multimode cables)
7Fusion Splicing using Automation Tools
Fusion splicing machines are laced with
fully-automatic tools that helps pre-set the
fibre optic cables for welding purposes. Based on
the requirement, the machine allows the operator
to choose various splicing parameters and ensure
closest approach towards perfect joining. The
fusion splicing machines come in two setting
models Automatic settings Â
 Factory-based settings
8Components of Fusion splicing Machine
   Cleavers   Splicer   Optical Core
Alignment System   Profile Alignment System or
PASÂ Â Â Local Injection and Detection System,
also called as LIDS   Protectors   Splice
Closures   Splice trays   Clamps Â
 Anti-Dust and Anti-Moisture Shields Â
 Cleaners and Wipers
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