Title: Name Badges
1Name Badges
2 Name badges are used by most of the business
lately. It's a great tool with various purposes
and benefits. Many different types of name badges
are now available, each one having different
purposes. The main purpose of name badges are
security and identity.
3Common purposes of Name Badges
4Promotion - Promoting is essentially something
which name badges can do very well. Employees
going outside the business wearing the name
badges can display the business name to the
5Build Brand - This also relates to promotion.
The brand name can be made familiar among the
public using the name badges.
6Build identity - By using name badges, the
identity of the company can be made familiar.
People will think about the company when they
search for specific products or services.
7Identity of employees - Name badges symbolize
the identity of the employees. The employees will
also be proud to wear the badge and mingle with
8 Name Badges International is a perfect choice
for gorgeous, quality name badges. A wide variety
of options are available for you to choose from.
They have experience in supplying name badges in
the fields of hospitality, retail, personal and
professional services, public bodies, airlines,
the financial sector, travel, in fact just about
any employee or customer interface.