Title: SMARTER WAY TO FITNESS With Samurai Fitness Club Ahmedabad
Health Assessment
We respect the uniqueness of each of our members
physique and therefore conduct an extensive
Health Assessment exercise in order to design a
customized training program.Fitness Test It
helps us measure the effectiveness of your
training and assess your strength, speed,
agility, flexibility and balance.Body
Composition Analysis Body composition analysis
(BCA) is a physical test that measures the
proportion of the various components of your body
through various ratios such Body Mass Index
(BMI), Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR), Basal Metabolic
Rate (BMR) etc.
Your Fitness and Health Club In Ahmedabad
Weight Gain
Gain those extra kilos with our expert trainers
who can chart a customized weight gain program
for you with a right mix of weight gaining
exercises and a balanced diet.
Weight Loss
Shed those extra layers of fat and get ready to
feel fit once again. Our weight loss program
carries an eclectic mix of cardio, weight and
strength exercises apart from the studio workouts
to help you realize your goals effortlessly.
Your Fitness and Health Club In Ahmedabad
Body Training
You may want to increase your stamina or boost
your endurance, or run a marathon or maybe climb
a mountain? At Samurai Fitness, we are committed
to help you accomplish your long cherished goals.
Nutrition Program
Never seem to be getting enough of sleep? Words
like feeling energetic sound alien to you? You
might be lacking the essential minerals and
vitamins. Our nutritional experts are waiting to
help you craft a perfect diet plan balancing all
the nutrients that your body needs.
Your Fitness and Health Club In Ahmedabad
Body Building
Build those envious muscles with a dedicated
fitness regime that carries a right blend of
appropriate exercises diet plan specially
designed by our expert trainers and qualified
Strength Training
Strength training sessions are planned to
increase greater resistance, by the use of free
weights, machines, or the person's own body
Your Fitness and Health Club In Ahmedabad