Title: Hand Washer and Dryer
1Hand Washer And Dryer Services In Singapore
2Airtech offers health care products such as clean
partition and hand washer and dryer. Its hand
washer and dryer are specially catered for clean
rooms which meet the strictest cleanliness
standards of todays clean rooms.
3In the wash basin compartment, there is a sensor
that uses a beam of light to detect when the
hands are placed in it. This will activate the
device and switch on the water for around seven
seconds. After the washing process is
completed, the drying process will be started and
the dryer dries the hands using clean air that is
passed through high efficiency particulate
arrestance (HEPA) filters.
4This drying stage takes around fifteen seconds.
Its hand washer and dryer also incorporate a
manual button to extend extra time to dry the
hands in the event that the default fifteen
seconds are insufficient to dry the hands fully.
5Its hand washer and dryer occupy a relatively
small space of 600 mm in width, 455 mm in depth
and 1750mm in height. Its main exterior is made
of steel metal that is coated with a plastic
surface in powder form while the washing basin is
made of porcelain. The HEPA filter is able to
remove 99.99 percent of air particles with a size
of 0.3 microns.
6Airtech provides three distinct models, namely
the Clean Hand Washer, the AHD series, and the
Hand Dryer series. The Clean Hand Washer
specializes only in washing hands while the Hand
Dryer series specializes in drying hands. The AHD
series incorporate both a hand washer and dryer
combined in one device.
7Airtech Hand Washer/Dryer is the answer to
todays higher clean room standards. This system
is ideal anywhere hand/glove cleanliness must be
maintained and insures consistent hand washing
methodology between operators.
8Airtech Hand Washer/Dryer is so fast and easy to
use that your washing frequency and compliance
standards will easily be attained. Simply put
your hands in the wash chamber and a
photoelectric sensor turns the water on for about
seven seconds.
9The Hand Washer/Dryer features small footprint
(600W x 455D x 1750H), steel with powder coating
main body construction, porcelain sink, 99.99
HEPA filter _at_ 0.3 micron, air velocity 35 m/s,
mirror, and motion sensors allow for hand free
10To Order Find Out More Information On Hand Washer
and Dryer Please Come And Visit Us Today
Airtech Equipment Pte Ltd Contact Us 7 Kaki
Bukit Place, Eunos Tech Park, Singapore
416185 Tel (65) 6746-6194 Fax (65) 6747-0327
/ 6746 4994 Email info.airtech.biz_at_gmail.com W
eb http//www.airtech.com.sg/