Title: Social Media Management - The Ad Managers
1The Ad Managers
Online Ad Management Your New Marketing Secret
2Our Process
1. Get to Know Your Business Our first step is
always getting to know your business, your goals,
and who your clients are. 2. Plan Propose Our
team will develop a custom marketing plan for
your business needs create a proposal for you
to review. 3. Create Implement Our Graphics
and Creative team will go to work producing eye
catching ads landing pages, then our strategy
team will implement your campaigns. 4.
Optimization Reporting Our ad managers will
continuously analyze and optimize your ad
accounts for better ROIs. Youll received
regular reports to stay up to date.
3Online Ad Management
The Quickest and Most Consistent Way to Reach
Your Potential Clients
Online Advertising is the paid display of a
companys branded content (text, graphics,
videos, etc.). Online ads come in many forms but
the primary ones are
1. Ads within search results on Google, Bing,
etc. (often the top 3 places and right hand side
of the page) 2. Banner ads placed on relevant
websites throughout the internet. 3. Ads within
social media sites such as Facebook, Linkedin,
and Twitter. 4. Video ads on Youtube.
4Social Media Management
Engage Your Prospective Clients with Brilliantly
Creative Social Media Management
What Is Social Media?
Anywhere designed to share information with an
online community, other users or followers is
Social Media. From Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram to Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIn,
these platforms help companies build brand
loyalty by having the ability to engage directly
with their client base.
Why Does My Business Need Social Media?
As most of us use some type of social media
platform each day, potential clients are
constantly discovering new products and services
this way. Theyre also using it to stay close to
the brands they love by keeping up with every
post, share and update. This keeps them up to
date and coming back for more content that
theyre excited to share with others.
5Contact Us
1008 Pape Ave. Suite 200, Toronto Ontario M4K
3V9 Canada
(647) 350-0357