Title: Chris Tinney – Social Media Marketing Professional (1)
1Chris Tinney Social Media Marketing Professional
Chris Tinney is nationally known Social Media
expert and a Certified Hootsuite Professional. He
is a Managing Director at Hotei Media Ltd., a
Goodreads Author and a host of Up Close with
Chris Tinney that is a weekly radio show on Voice
America Network.
2Chris Tinney A Voice for the Homeless
Chris Tinney is an energetic leader working to
bring awareness to homelessness and income
inequality. He has worked in communities across
America sharing food with the homeless and
telling their stories on SpreadPeace.org .
Chris Tinney established Spread Peace USA in 2008
to help give the homeless, poor and destitute a
voice in this world. This year he launched his
new website, homelessfriend.org. This site is
dedicated to educating the public and the general
population on the difficulties our poor friends
confront consistently in American society.
3Chris Tinney Motorcycle Enthusiast
Chris Tinney has been a motorcycle enthusiast
from a very young age. He has several Harley
Davidson motorcycles and loves taking rides with
his wife, Tysha throughout the United States.
Most of the time those rides include his wife
Tysha, his Rad King and the mountainous roads or
Yosemite National Park.
Although he is always changing his ride he has
kept his 2003 Anniversary Edition Harley Davidson
and his Sportster for many years. He purchased
the Road King new and keeps it as a collectible
and frequently rides the Sportster around town
for shorter trips and for friends to ride when
theyre in town.
4Chris Tinney Passionate Vegan
Chris Tinney is an outspoken advocate for animals
in the Vegan community. He is committed to
spreading awareness about benefits of veganism, a
compassionate way of life that is increasing in
popularity as more and more people discover the
benefits of a compassionate, plant based diet. He
has created and runs several websites, Facebook
pages and social media campaigns advocating for
veganism and offering tips, recipes and help for
vegans and those seeking to transition to vegan.
He is passionate about his work knowing that
promoting the Vegan lifestyle can truly help heal
the planet. Chris enjoys vegan dining almost as
much as he loves preparing and cooking Vegan
meals. He frequently shares his top veggie loving
recipes on his Facebook Page, Vegan Friends.