Title: Jackalyn Rainosek- The Centergy™ Model
1Jackalyn Rainosek- Talking About The Centergy
2What is Centergy?
Centergy is a model of consulting and personal
development developed by Jackalyn Rainosek
beginning in 1991. The transformative power of
Centergy is in its creative approach to the
three elements at its core habitual patterns of
behavior, emotional connections, and creating
socially just environments.
3Impact of Centergy Model
The Centergy model has helped many people
transform their lives, their organizations, and
the groups and teams that they work with. Her
approach helps them to create positive changes.
"We have been in the business of personal
growth/transformation work and then the other
side of our business deals with organizations,"
she says. "We teach people about their habitual
patterns that prevent them from being about to
lead themselves."
4Jackalyn Rainosek is also a Certified Master with
The Leadership Challenge, a worldwide campaign
intended to bring out the leader in everyone.
It was developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner
in the 1980s. "Once we have taught people how
to lead themselves," she says, "then we have the
opportunity to change systems and develop whole
new concepts of leadership."
5Jackalyn Rainosek
Entrepreneur and Consultant for more than forty
years. Ph.D. from Texas AM University-College
Station. Master of Education in Counseling and
Guidance from Texas State University and a
Bachelor's degree in Government and Sociology
from the University of Texas-Austin. Past
President and Co-Chair of Women on the Move for
Texas Executive Women (TEW).
6Thank You !